Avicenna Bulletin2012 Volume14
Stages of development of cardiovascular surgery in the Republic of Tajikistan
N.U. Usmanov, D.N. Usmanov
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
Republican scientific Center of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
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U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, MH RT
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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The particularities of thumb replantation and reconstruction
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Dzhanobilova
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U.A. Kurbanov, I.Z. Saidov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova
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U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, MH RT
Chair of surgical diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
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Gastrectomy at gastric bleeding
K.M. Kurbonov, I.I. Haydarov
Chair of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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I.I. Skopin, V.A. Mironenko, K.S. Urmanbetov
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Vascular drainage operations in varicocele
K.P. Artykov, M.A. Yuldashev, H.S. Odinayev, F.B. Khomidov
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V.I. Belokonev, Khunkuy I, Z.V. Kovaleva, A.V. Nikolaev, A.I. Salem
SBE Institution «Samara State Medical University»; MMBI «City Clinical Hospital №1 by NI Pirogov», Samara, Russia
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Sh.Yu. Yusupova, J.A. Abdulloev, R.D. Jamilov, Sh. Sh. Farhov
Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU
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Reconstruction of post traumatic nerve defects of brachial plexus
G.М. Khodjamuradov, М.F. Odinaev, М.M. Ismoilov
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Management features of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with chronic mental illness
K.G. Kubachev, S.V. Artyukhov, D.M. Rizakhanov, M.K. Gulov*, N.D. Mukhiddinov*, Sh.A. Sharipov
SBEI HPE «Northwestern State Medical University named after II Mechnikov»
Alexander City Hospital in St. Petersburg, Russia
*Chair of General surgery №1 Avicenna TSMU, Tajikistan
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V.I. Belokonev, A.I. Fedorin
SBE Institution «Samara State Medical University» MHSE of Russia
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S.M. Akhmedov, Z.S. Tagoybekov, B.D. Safarov, N.A. Rasulov, A.M. Radjabov
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Acute intestinal obstruction in patients with chronic mental illness
K.G. Kubachev, S. V. Artyukhov, M.K. Gulov, N.D. Muhiddinov, Sh.A. Shihmagomedov, M.S. Gadjiyev
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Modern technologies in diagnosis and treatment of adhesive small bowel obstruction
K.M. Kurbonov, B.N. Jonov
Department of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Choice of surgical treatment of patients with pilonidal fistula
M.K. Gulov, T.N. Zubaidov
Chair of General Surgery №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Pathogenetic treatment of roux-stasis syndrome
I.A. Sattorov, K.M. Kurbonov, A.F. Nazarov
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Noninvasive diagnosis of mechanical jaundice
Sh.K. Nazarov, D.R. Abdurahmonov, M.T. Zaripov
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Surgical treatment of bleeding gastric cancer
I.I. Haydarov, K.M. Kurbonov, F. Makhmadov
Chair of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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N.I. Mamedov, V.A. Derbenev, M.M. Mamedov, H.N. Musaev
State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine of the Russian Federation
Research Center of Surgery named after MA Topchibashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
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Surgical treatment of rectal cancer
M.A. Kuzikeev
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Prevention of early postoperative complications in surgery of diffuse toxic goiter
M.K. Gulov, Z.M. Nurov
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Diagnosis and treatment tactics of esophageal-gastric bleeding in liver cirrhosis
A.A. Kayumov, K.M. Kurbonov, P.K. Kholmatov, K.R. Nazirboev
Department of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Functional hernioplasty in oblique inguinal hernia
S.S. Ismailov, A.R. Dostiev, N.K. Khabibov, S.F. Gulshanova
Chair of General Surgery №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Optimization of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis
Sh.K. Nazarov, A.A. Negmatov
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Prevention of purulent- inflammatory complications after resection of rectum
S.F. Gulshanova, A.R. Dostiev, S.S. Ismoilov
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Bacterial translocation into systemic blood flow in suffered with concomitant injury
M.E. Malyshev, D.Sh. Sadulaev, O.B. Ariskina, L.N. Popenko
SBI St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care named after I.I.Djanelidze, St. Petersburg, Russia
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N.I. Mamedov, V.A. Derbenev, M.M. Mamedov, H.N. Musayev
State Research Center of Laser Medicine, Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia
Research Center Surgery named after Acad. MA Topchibashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
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Z.A. Kadyrov, A.S. Torosyants, I. Nusratulloev, A.Yu. Odilov, F.S. Kalandarov
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Influence of climatic conditions on the formation of pathological scar of skin
K.M. Mukhamadieva, O.B. Nemchaninova, K.P. Artykov, M.S. Saidov
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Modern methods of surgical treatment of nasal septum deformations
M.I. Mahmudnazarov, Sh. Sh. Tuydiev
Department of Otorhinolaryngologynamed after professor UB Iskhaki Avicenna TSMU
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New in the surgical treatment of spinal congenital hernia in children
S.B. Choriev, A.C. Chobulov, R.N. Berdiev, R.G. Ashurov
Chair of Neurosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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Diagnosis and pathogenetic treatment of complicated neuropathic diabetic foot syndrome
K.M. Saidov, J.A. Abdulloev, M.H. Nabiev, T.G. Chakalov
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Evaluation the adequacy of anesthesia in patients with complicated echinococcosis of liver
D.D. Khamidov
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A.M. Murodov, A. Abdulmajitzoda, F.M. Abdulloev
Chair of Efferent medicine and Intensive care of TIPGMT
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Outcomes of surgical treatment of congenital diseases of inguinal-scrotal area in children
K.A. Ismailov, E.A. Volodko, Z.I. Chanakanov, K.K. Mirakov, A.B. Okulov
Department of Pediatric Surgery of Scientific Research Center SEI
AE Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow
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Chemoradiotherapy in palliative care of patients with breast cancer
D.S. Mirzoyeva, S.G. Umarova, D.Z. Zikiryahodjaev, R.Z. Yuldoshev, N.N. Abidjanova
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Peculiarities of early enteral tube feeding in cancer patients operated on gastrointestinal organs
S.Z. Tanatarov
State Medical University, Semei, Kazakhstan
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M.P. Batygin, A.K. Fayzulin, M.M. Kolesnichenko, T.M. Glybina
Chair of Pediatric Surgery, Moscow State Medical and Dental University
Izmail pediatric Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia
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Modern approach to reconstructive surgeries of mega-dolichoureterohydronephrosis in children
F.H. Safedov, A.A. Azizov
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Humoral factors of immunity and phagocytic mechanisms in patients with cervical cancer
A.K. Makishev, D.K. Kenbaeva, Z.A. Manambaeva, F.N. Karimova
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F.H. Safedov, A.A. Azizov
Chair of Pediatric Surgery Avicenna TSMU
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Treatments for cervical dysplasia with radiowave surgery in young women
D.Z.Zikiryakhodjaev*, S.G.Umarova*, M.S.Raupova, R.Z.Yuldoshev, F.N.Karimova*
National Cancer Research Center MH RT; *Chair of Oncology Avicenna TSMU
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Features of deferred surgical treatment of bladder exstrophy in children
B.M. Zaymudinov, A.A. Azizov, A.Sh. Shakhanov, G.T. Bakiyeva
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Clinical - immunological disorders in urogenital chlamydiosis in men
U.A. Tadjibaev
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Results of ultrasound examination of thyroid parenchyma
Sh.Y. Yusupova, R.A. Zokirov, A.A. Abdurozikov, M.O. Okilov
Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU
The needs for use of high reproductive technology for infertile couples in Tajikistan
D.A. Khodjamurodova, M. Museler-Albers, H.P. Arendt, K. Buhler, T. Schill
Tajik Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Republic of Tajikistan
Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, IVF Center Langenhagen, Hannover, Germany
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Early operative treatment of congenital hip dislocation in children
M.M. Niyozov, A.A. Razzakov
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Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in gestational diabetes
S.I. Nazarova
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S.I. Nazarova
Tajik State Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in fetal nondiabetic macrosomia
N.I. Tagunets, R.T. Mirsaburova
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Parenteral administration of paracetamol for improve of anesthesia in surgical oncology
S.Z. Tanatarov
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Eligibility and side effects of various contraceptive methods in women with diabetes
O.T. Olimova, Z.H. Rafiyeva, Z.M. Muradova, Z.T. Shukurova
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Avicenna TSMU
Epidemiological characteristics and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with hepatitis B and C
S.K. Kamilova
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Avicenna TSMU
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D.S. Mirzoyeva, D.Z. Zikiryakhodjaev, S.G. Radjabova, F.G. Soliev
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Frequency of arterial hypertension complications in the elderly patients
Sh.F. Odinayev, H.A. Rafiyev, S.H. Asadullayev
Study tribotechnical friction units of hip endoprosthesis
H.S. Dustov, N.S. Gavryushenko
FSBI Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after NN Priorov, Moscow, Russia
Immediate and remote results of performance restorations using fiberglass pins
Sh.F. Djuraeva, B.A. Bekmuradov
Chair of therapeutic dentistry Avicenna TSMU
Algorhythm diagnostic and treatment of infertile married couples
D.А. Khodjamurodova
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N.H. Olimov, A.D. Nuraddinov, I.I. Musoev, S.H. Asimov
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Successful treatment of thoracoabdominal aortas hypoplasia
Yu.V. Belov, R.N. Komarov, A.D. Gaibov *, M.M. Turaev
Chair of Surgery of aorta and its branches RSCC named after academician BV Petrovsky RAMS, Moscow, Russia
* Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Kh.S. Sharipov, Sh.F. Djuraeva
Chair of Orthopedic dentistry
Therapeutic dentistry Avicenna TSMU
Medical and social characteristics of reproductive age women suffering with diabetes mellitus
S.I. Nazarova, S.M. Mukhamadieva, S.J. Kasymova
Clinical characteristics of heart rhythm disturbances in patients with chronic renal failure
R.I. Soibov, Yu.A. Shokirov, Sh.Sh.Pochodjanova
Use of reksetin in hypertension therapy of elderly with comorbid depression
K.H. Mahadova, N.A. Khalikova, N.H. Khamidov, N.M. Khursanov
Department of Internal diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
N.H. Khamidov, S.S. Amindjanova, N.M. Khursanov
Chair of internal diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
N.M. Navdjuanov, F.I. Odinayev, V.I. Ioshina, G.S. Navdjuanova
Dobutamine in differential diagnosis of noncoronary myocardial diseases
M.N. Gulmatova, M.E. Radjabov*, F.I. Odinaev, S.F. Odinaev
Chair of Internal diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
* Republican Clinical Cardiology Center MH RT
H.E. Sharipova, M.S. Khaknazarov, H.S. Sultonov, U.M. Jamshedov
Chair of Propaedeutics Internal diseases Avicenna TSMU
Sh.Sh. Pochodjanova, Z.D. Khamroeva, Yu.A. Shokirov, D.R. Khamraev
A.V. Chupin*, A.Z. Bekbosynov**
* Federal state budgetary institution «Federal Research Center of specialized types of health care and medical technology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency», Moscow, Russia
** State Medical University, Semei, Kazakhstan
HIV infection and viral hepatitis among prisoners
H.K. Rafiyev, R.M. Nurov*, R.A. Tursunov
Chair of Epidemiology Avicenna TSMU
*Main Department for the execution of criminal penalties MJ RT
Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in children from infection focal point
U.Yu. Sirodjidinova, L.M. Pulatova, O.I. Bobokhodjaev, K. Pirov, D.M. Radjabov
Prevalence of liver cirrhosis in Tajikistan
G.K. Mirodjov, S.A. Avezov, S.M. Makhmadaliyev, N.S. Tuhtaeva
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The epidemic features of HIV infection in Tajikistan
H.K. Rafiyev, R.M. Nurov*, R.A. Tursunov, Sh.V. Radjabov
Chair of Epidemiology Avicenna TSMU; *Main Department for the execution of criminal penalties MJ RT
Planimetric and planigraphic methods for determining a person's age by x-ray of hand bones
Yu.I. Pigolkin, M.A. Yurchenko, G.V. Zolotenkova, A.G. Lastovetsky
Chair of Forensic MedicineSEAHPE «First Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov», Moscow, Russia
Clinical features of nodular scabies in children
P.T. Zoirov, D.H. Abdieva, T.T. Ustobaeva
Z.B. Tauesheva, D.J. Taijanova
Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
Opportunistic infections in HIV - infected patients in Tajikistan
R.A. Tursunov, H.K. Rafiyev, R.M. Nurov**, E.R. Rakhmanov*, T.M. Sharipov*
Chair of Epidemiology
*Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
** Main Department for the execution of criminal penalties MJ RT
N.I. Mustafakulova, O.D. Rakhmonova, D.D. Djamilov
Medical social principles of health of newborn
K.S. Olimova, A.M. Mirakilova, N.Sh. Abdullaeva
The influence of HIV infection on incidence of TB in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
R.A. Tursunov, H.K. Rafiyev, R.M. Nurov*
Chair of Epidemiology Avicenna TSMU
*General Directorate for execution of criminal sanctions MJ RT
Z.D. Aliyeva, Sh.F. Odinaev, F.I. Odinaev, P.H. Mehmonov
Chair of internal diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
E.A. Shuasheva
South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Kazakhstan
Effect of light radiation on pain syndrome due peripheral nerve lesion
P.I. Guzalov, V.V. Kiryanova, A.S. Mitrofanov*
SBEI HPE «Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov «Ministry of HSE of Russia
*St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Hypertensive disease in women at postmenopausal period
D.A. Kadyrova, G.A. Eshankulova, M.G. Gafarov
State of regulatory system of students with different levels of motor activity
E.Yu. Salikhova, F.A. Mindubaeva, F.A. Shukurov
Results of situational analysis of dental caries prevalence and intensity in patients with halitosis
D.B. Jumaboev
Chair of Therapeutic Dentistry Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training
Microflora and antibacterial properties of the skin in patients with pityriasis versicolor
P.T. Zoirov, M.A. Abdulloeva, I.O. Kenjaeva
Chair of Dermatology and Venereology Avicenna TSMU
E.R. Rakhmanov, H.K. Kamardinov, Sh.K. Matinov, Z.M. Melikov, N.M. Gulyamova
Features of currency the early neonatal period in overweight newborns
H.D. Aminov, P.G. Zarifova
V.V. Kiryanova, T.N. Korolkova, A.S. Kirillova
Northwestern State Medical University named after II Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Teziografic changes in subclinical hypothyroidism
Z.B. Tauesheva, D.J. Tayjanova
Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
Results of therapy patients in acute stage of HIV infection among prisoners
H.K. Rafiyev, R.M. Nurov, N.B. Lukyanov
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Features of red blood in children with iron deficiency anemia in a wider variety of mountain heights
A.M. Mirakilova
Chair of pediatric diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
Epidemiology of herpes zoster in Dushanbe
M.S. Isayeva, M.T. Mirzoyeva
Chair of Dermatology and Venereology Avicenna TSMU
Structural changes in thyroid in diffuse goiter
S. Kurbonov, F.A. Abdurahmonov, Z.D. Ziyoyeva
Effects of amplifier liver regeneration on the currency in vivo reperfusion injury
E. Iskenderov, A. Kandoga, K. Mende
Research Centre of Surgery named after academician. M.A.Topchibashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
University Hospital Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
The clinic, diagnosis and treatment of children with osteogenesis imperfecta
Z.K. Umarova, G.S. Mamadjanova, D.A. Mukaramova
Chair of Family Medicine №2
pediatric diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
Inflammation of hypophysis in condition of immunodeficiencies in different types of death
D.V. Gornostaev, R.A. Tursunov
S.V. Buryakov, A.V. Gulin
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Structural and functional characteristics of rat liver under microwave irradiation
K.K. Kaiyrbekova, A.V. Kurkin
Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis of lambliosis in children
G.E. Nasakaeva, R.Kh. Begaidarova, N.M. Khodjaeva*
Chair of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
*Chair of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
The functional activity of intact dog’s kidney during high-mountain readapta-tion
R.S. Mirakov, S.G. Mukhamedova, H.M. Mirakov
Medical and social significance of rheumatic diseases
S.M. Shukurova, M.F. Abdulloev, G.N. Karimova, Kh.K. Toirov
Chair of Propaedeutics Internal diseases Avicenna TSMU
Etiological aspects of community-acquired pneumonia in infants
M.N. Valiev, Z.H. Yakubova
Chair of pediatric Diseases №1
propaedeutics of pediatric diseases Avicenna TSMU
Mobility of nervous processes in yellow gopher in active period of his life (experimental work)
M.Yo. Holbegov, M.B. Ustoev, E.N. Nuritdinov, S.A. Choriev
Medication treatment of arterial hypertension in elderly patients
N.H. Khamidov, S.S. Amindjanova, K.H. Mahadova
Reproductive health of women with metabolic syndrome
M.S. Rustamova, S.G. Mirodjova, S.A. Radjabova, S.I. Rakhmonova
Academy of Medical Sciences of the Ministry of Health Republic of Tajikistan
Clinical-cytochemical parallels in children with hereditary hemolytic anemia
S.N. Davlatova, K.I. Ismailov, Z.A. Mukhitdinova, L.M. Solieva, M.N. Mirzoyev
Chair of pediatric diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
D.H. Djonnazarova, S.M. Shukurova, Sh.Sh. Pochodjanova
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of peritoneal adhesive disease
P.K. Kholmatov, Sh.K. Nazarov, B.N. Jonov, F. Komilov
Videoendoscopic methods of nephrectomy in benign kidney disease
A.Yu. Odilov, Z.A. Kadyrov*, I.K. Sultanov*, I.N. Nusratulloev, H.S. Ishonakov**
Republican Clinical Center «Urology» MH RT
* Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship, Chair of endoscopic urology, Advanced training faculty of health workers
** Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training, Department of Urology and Andrology
B.G. Muminov
City Hospital of emergency aid, Dushanbe
Revascularization in distal lesions of upper extremities arteries
D.D. Sultanov, T.N. Karimov
Cross-linked ultra-high molecular polyethylene - a promising material in joint replacement
A.V. Balberkin, H.S. Dustov, A.F. Kolondaev
Gestational process and diseases of biliary tract
M.F. Dodhoeva, Z. Abdusamatova, S.G. Mirodzhova*
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
*Research Institute of Gastroenterology AMS MH RT
Perinatal lesions of central nervous system in newborns
M.N. Hotamova, H.D. Aminov
Hormonal and metabolic concept of pathogenesis prostate diseases
I.A. Tyuzikov, S.Yu. Kalinchenko
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Modern methods of treatment of ureteral stones
Z.A. Kadyrov, A.S. Torosyants, I. Nusratulloev*, A.Yu. Odilov*, S.I. Suleimanov
Faculty of improving the qualifications the health workers RUFP, SRI of Urology RF
*Republican Clinical Center «Urology» MH Tajikistan
Coinfection with HIV and parenteral viral hepatitis in drug addicts
R.A. Tursunov
Features of etiology, diagnosis and surgical treatment of rectocele
T.A. Bapiev
National Research Center Surgery named after AN Syzganov, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Age aspects of operations in congenital cleft palate
Z.Ya. Yusupov, U.T. Tairov, I.U. Ibragimov
Physiology and pathology of endothelium
M.S. Tabarov, Z.M. Toshtemirova, R.A. Saidmuradova, M.H. Khodjaeva, P.K. Kurbonbekova, A.A. Sadyrov