
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-2-66-72
Modern approach to reconstructive surgeries of mega-dolichoureterohydronephrosis in children

F.H. Safedov, A.A. Azizov

In this article analyses the experience of reconstructive surgery in 141 children with mega-dolichoureterohydronephrosis. The effectiveness of the proposed method of surgical correction this pathology suggest long-term results after 3 years: complications from 30% decreased to 12,05%.

The success of reconstructive operations in mega-dolicho ureterohydronephrosis, caused by cystic ureteral segment and cervico-trigonal area dysplasia, depends on a differentiated approach to the choice of operation method. It’s depend on the degree, extent and type of localized dysplasia, way of antireflux protection, zone resection and reliable urinary diversion.

Keywords: mega-dolicho -ureterohydronephrosis, neuromuscular dysplasia of vesical segment and cervico-trigonal area of ureters, chronic renal insufficiency, nephrosclerosis.

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