Avicenna Bulletin2014 Volume16 №1 Download PDF
New in surgical treatment of post-burn flexor contractures of the fingers
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, J.D. Jononov, A.R. Boboev
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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K.M. Kurbonov, Sh.K. Nazarov, Kh.N. Alimov
Chair of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Simultaneous operations based on laparoscopic fixing angleofhis
O.A. Baulina, A.S. Ivachev, V.A. Baulin, A.A. Baulin, N.V. Baulina*
SBEI APE «Penza Extension Course Institute for Medical Practitioners» Russian Ministry of Health
*FSBEI HPE Penza State University, Penza, Russia
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Integrated diagnostics patients with Mallory-Weiss syndrome
R. Muhammadzoda, T.G. Gulmuradov
Chair of Cardiovascular and Reconstructive Surgery TIPDMW
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D.D. Sultanov, A.D. Gaibov, E.L. Kalmykov, M.G. Toirov, N.H. Avezova
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery MoH RT
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Clinical-morphologic features and treatment of skin cancers maturated from scars
A.D. Zikiryakhojaev1, B.M. Orifov, D.Z. Zikiryakhojaev, Z.H. Huseynov, R.Z. Yuldoshev
State Institution «National CancerResearch Centre», Dushanbe, Tajikistan
1 Research Oncological Institute named after PA Herzen, Moscow, Russia
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V.V. Maslyakov, E.V. Fedotova, O.I. Dralina, G.V. Zakharov
NSI HPE «Saratov Medical Institute «READH», Saratov, Russia
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Diagnosis and surgical treatment of Conn’s syndrome
O.N. Sadriev1, A.D. Gaibov1,3, S.S. Anvarova2
1Chair of surgical diseases №2
2Endocrinology Avicenna TSMU
3SI «Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery»
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Metabolism and lipid absorption after total gastrectomy
N.G. Lomtev, R.Z. Yuldoshev
National Cancer Center MOH KR, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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Kh.N. Nazarov
Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
Khatlon District Clinical Hospital named after B. Vohidov
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H.H. Mirzoyan, D.A. Patrikyan, M.A. Egunyan
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center «Armenia», Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
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A.M. Hodjamurodov, D.N. Solihov, M.F. Dodkhoeva, M.M. Kosimov
Chair of Urology; Obstetrics and Gynecology Avicenna TSMU
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D.M. Ismailova, M.F. Dodhoeva, K.S. Dodoeva, D.I. Karabayev
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Prospects of nanocarbon materials use in dental surgery
A.Z. Abdurahmonov, D.S. Shermatov, S.S. Subhanov, D. Rashidov*, Sh. Tuichiyev*
Chair of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with pediatric dentistry Avicenna TSMU
Reseach Institute of Physics of Solids Tajik National University
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Injuries of median and ulnar nerves in transcondular shoulder fracture
M.Kh. Malikov, A.A. Davlatov, G.D. Karimzade, I.N. Khvan
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
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Z.A. Suleimanova, Yu.A. Shokirov, R.I. Soibov
Chair of Internal Diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Immunological disorders and therapy of patients with traumatic brain injury
E.M. Mamytova
Kyrgyz State Medical Academyim named after IK Ahunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Download article: 1312