
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-50-55
Bacterial translocation into systemic blood flow in suffered with concomitant injury

M.E. Malyshev, D.Sh. Sadulaev, O.B. Ariskina, L.N. Popenko

SBI St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care named after I.I.Djanelidze, St. Petersburg, Russia

In concomitant injury accompanied by shock II and III degrees, bacterial translocation from mucous membranes into the systemic blood flow was detect-ed in 28.6% of patients in the first 12-24 hours after injury. By the time this event coincides with a significant increase in blood levels of secretory IgA and HLA DR+ monocytes and lymphocytes in patients diagnosed with bacteremia.

Features of immune response in patients with bacterial translocation into the systemic circulation were: slow mobilization of neutrophils and monocytes in the blood, less evidented cytokinemy, functional insufficiency of blood neu-trophilic granulocytes and high reactivity of the epithelial cells and B-lymphocytes of the mucous membranes.

Keywords: concomitant injury, bacterial translocation, systemic blood flow, traumatic disease.

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