Avicenna Bulletin2013 Volume15
New method of surgical treatment of amnioticband syndrome
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, J.D. Jononov
Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Microsurgery RSCCVS
Chair of Surgical Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
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Surgical treatment of saddle-nose deformity
U.A. Kurbanov, M.N. Sarfarozi, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
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Surgical treatment of giant pigmentary nevuses of face
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova, K.A. Ismoilov
Chair of surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
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Experience of surgical treatment of hypospadias with precision technique
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, Sh.I. Kholov
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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V.V. Maslyakov, V.G. Barsukov
NSEIHPE (Non-state Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education) «Saratov Medical Institute» REAVIZ «(“Rehabilitation, Doctor and Health”)
Chair of Clinical Medicine, Saratov, Russia
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S.S. Ismoilov, M.K. Gulov*, S.F. Gulshanova
Public Institution «The National Research Center of Transplantation of organs and tissues of human» Ministry of Health of RT
* Сhair of General Surgery N1 of Avicenna TSMU
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First experience of endovenous laser coagulation for treatment of varicose diseases in Tajikistan
A.D. Gaibov, E.L. Kalmykov, M.S. Inoyatov*
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
*State Enterprise for Cardiovascular Surgery of Sughd region (Khujand)
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Posttraumatic features of disturbances of fingers and hands circulation
K.P. Artykov, Z.R. Abdulloev, M.H. Malikov, H.S .Tadjibaev
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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Dj.V. Kosayev, I.K. Budagov, I.L. Namazov
Scientific Center of Surgery namedafter acad. M.A.Topchubashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
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Minimally invasive technology in the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive jaundice
F.I. Makhmadov, K.M. Kurbonov, Z.H. Nurov, A.J. Sobirov, A.D. Gulahmadov
Chair of surgical diseases №1 of Avicenna TSMU
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A.R. Kodirov, S.S. Yusupova
Department of Endocrine Surgery of Dushanbe Medical Center
Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU
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Surgical treatment of calculous cholecystitis in patients with diffuse liver disease
K.M. Kurbonov, K.R. Nazirboev
Chair of surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Screening of potentially living donor in kidney transplantation
S.S. Ismoilov*, S.F. Gulshanova
SI «National Research Center of transplantation of human organs and tissues» MOH RT
* Chair of General Surgery N 1 TSMU Avicenna
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Experience of surgical treatment complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy
J.M. Kurbanov
Сhair of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of Avicenna TSMU
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K.V. Barannikov
National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named P.L. Shupika, Kiev, Ukraine
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Z.A. Dostieva, A.M. Muradov, O.V. Shumilina
Chair of Efferent Medicine and Intensive Care of TIPMT
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Diagnostic value of neurosonography in traumatic intracranial hematoma of infants
Sh.A. Turdiboev, R.N. Berdiyev, S.A. Shoev, H.A. Giesov, Raufy Nihat
Chair of Neurosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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Immunocorrection in patients undergone lower limb amputation for diabetic gangrene
A.R. Qodirov, Sh. Yusupova, B. Idiev*
Chair of General Surgery№ 2 of Avicenna TSMU
*City Medical Center in Dushanbe
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Complications of complex treatment of early breast cancer
D.Z. Zikiryahodjaev, O.K. Stelmach*, A.D. Zikiryahodjaev*, G. Wahid, I.V Anokhina
Republican Cancer Research Center of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
*Russian Cancer Research Center named N.N. Blochin RAMS
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D.A. Abdulloev, R.D. Jamilov, R.A. Zokirov
Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU
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J.A. Abdulloev, B.A. Kholov, T.G. Chakalov, T.U. Zubaidov*
Chair of General Surgery N 2 Avicenna TSMU
* Republican Burn Center, Dushanbe
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R.D. Jamilov, D.A. Abdulloev, R.A. Zokirov, H.H. Barotov
Chair of General Surgery N2 of Avicenna TSMU
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Morphological and ultrastructural features of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation in breast cancer
M.V. Mnihovich
FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Human Morphology,» Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
SBEI HPE «Russian National Research Medical University named N.I Pirogov «Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia
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Biochemical indicators of blood in reinfusion at patients with abdominal trauma
A.M. Saburova, K.M. Kurbonov, Sh.D. Rakhmonov, L.A. Kurbonova
Chair of Biochemistry; Surgical diseases №1 Avicenna TSMU
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Clinical and hematological features of acute leukemia in Tajikistan
G.B. Khojieva, M.K. Rakhmatov, J.M. Khasanov, K.Z. Urakov
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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V.A. Neverov, S.H. Kurbanov*
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics of SEI of HPE of Mechnikov MH RF
*Chair of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Military Surgery of Avicenna TSMU
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M.P. Batygin, A.K. Fayzulin, T.M. Glybina
Chair of Pediatric Surgery of Moscow State Medical and Dental University
Izmailov Children’s Hospital, Moscow, Russia
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Some postoperative indicators of traditional and retroperitoneo-skopic nephrectomy
Z.A. Kadyrov, I.K. Sultanov, A.Yu. Odilov*, I.N. Nusratulloev*, H.S. Ishonakov**
Chair of Endoscopic Urology, Faculty of health workers training of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship
*Republican Clinical Center «Urology» MH RT
**Chair of Urology and Andrology of the Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training
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Analysis of rheumatic diseases hospital morbidity in the Republic of Tajikistan
M.F. Abdullaev, M.F. Akhunova, Z.D. Hamroyeva, S.M. Shukurova
Chair of Internal Medicine propaedeutics Avicenna TSMU
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N.I. Mustafakulova, D.S. Akhmedova, T.I. Melikova
Chair of Internal Medicine N3 of Avicenna TSMU
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Quality of life in patients after the conventional and retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy
Z.A. Kadyrov, I.K. Sultanov, A.Y. Odilov*, I.N. Nusratulloev *, H.S. Ishonakov **
Chair of endoscopic urology of faculty training health workers of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship
* RCC «Urology» MoH RT
** Department of Urology and Andrology TIPMT
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N.I. Mustafakulova, S.H. Nazirov, T.I. Melikova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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S.S. Aminjanova, N.H. Hamidov, N.M. Khursanov
Chair of Internal Medicine №2 of Avicenna TSMU
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Processes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in pregnant women with diabetes
S.I. Nazarova, T.V. Atadjanov
SI Tajik State Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Reconstruction of extended urethral stricture at lichen sclerosis
H.H. Rizoev, R.S. Mirakov, B.Ch. Sangov, R.G. Shanbezoda
Chair of Urology Avicenna TSMU
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S.S. Jalilov, Yu.A. Shokirov, H.H. Kurbanov*
Chair of Internal Diseases № 1
* Endosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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Efficiency of coronary stenting during on hospital stage in patients with stable stenocardia
Kh.T. Faizulloev, M.E. Radjabov, Sh.F. Odinaev, F.I. Odinaev
Chair of Internal Medicine N1 of Avicenna TSMU
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M.F. Davlatova, N.V. Vafoeva
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 of Avicenna TSMU
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Prevention of road traffic injuries in Tajikistan
N.F. Salimov, A.A. Razzakov
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics Avicenna TSMU
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Effectiveness of antiviral therapy for chronic viral hepatitis «C» in HIV-infected
N.M. Gulyamova, E.R. Rakhmanov, R.A. Tursunov, V.N. Tsoi, T.M. Sharipov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
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Thyrotoxicosis syndrome in elderly age inpatients with iodine deficiency
Sh.S. Anvarova, N.F. Niyazova, N.A. Inoyatova
Chair of Endocrinology of Avicenna TSMU
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The wing-shaped anomaly of the lower extremities (Genu Flexum Congenitum)
S.M. Djanobilova, U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, Sh.I. Holov
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of Surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
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Impact of key dysfunction on the acute period of polytrauma
K.H. Sirodzhov, A.M. Muradov, B.O. Ashurov, Sh.M Akhmedov
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics TIPGMT
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E.N. Mingazova, A.I. Ziatdinov
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia» Kazan, Russia
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Sh.A. Abdullaev, S.M. Shukurova, F.M. Khamidov
Chair of Internal Medicine propedeutics of Avicenna TSMU
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Variability of heart rate in isolated systolic arterial hypertension of older patients
N.H. Hamidov, S.A. Umarova, A.A. Umarov
Chair of Internal Medicine N2 Avicenna TSMU
Primary strand’s omentum torsion
S.M. Janobilova, U.A. Kurbanov, B.S. Saifulloev, Sh.I. Kholov
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Features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients with reduced hemoglobin levels
S.Z. Mirzoyev, Z.A. Kholmurodova, S.M. Tulaganova, N.A. Alimova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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Complex diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome
F.T. Khalimova*, E.V. Malysheva, F.A. Shukurov*, A.V Gulin
*Avicenna TSMU
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Lipetsk State Pedagogical University», Russia
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A.J. Bekbosynov
Municipal State Enterprise on the right of economic management «Pavlodar city hospital №1», Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Clinical features of resistant (refractory) arterial hypertension
H.E. Sharipova*, N.H. Khamidov
*Chair of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics; Internal Medicine №2 Avicenna TSMU
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Features of immune disorders in acute phase of traumatic brain injury
E.M. Mamytova
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named afterIK Akhunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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Triggers of mycetogenous infection growth in women with inflammatory gynecological diseases
Sh. A. Mahmudova
Public institutions «Tajik Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology»
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Features of typhoid fever in military of Russian Federation dislocated in the Republic of Tajikistan
N.S. Odinaev, K.V. Zhdanov, G.M. Usmanova*
The Filial branch N 7 of the Federal state institutions «354 Military Hospital» of Russian Defense Ministry
* TSMU Avicenna, Tajikistan
Risk factors and clinical manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease due to somatic diseases
S.H. Asadullayev, S.A. Badalova, Ihab Shamsildin, F.T. Olimov, Sh.F. Odinaev
Chair of Internal Medicine №1 Avicenna TSMU
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B.U. Salikhov, O.I. Bobohojaev, U.Yu. Sirojidinova, F.R. Sharipov
Chair of Phthisiopneumology Avicenna TSMU
National Center of Tuberculosis, Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery
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The immune status in pregnant women with chronic viral hepatitis B
S.K. Kamilova, F.M. Abdurahmanova, E.R. Rakhmonov*
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N2 and Infectious* Diseases of Avicenna TSMU
Evaluation of adrenal cortex functions for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
A.A. Serikbaeva
Chair of Internal Medicine N2 of Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
Clinical characteristics and treatment of anemia in patients with end-stage renal failure
N. Kokar, Yu.A. Shokirov
Chair of Internal Medicine №1 Avicenna TSMU
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A new approach to treatment of acute dysentery by antibiotic-pectin complex
E.R. Rakhmanov, Z.K. Muhidinov, R.S. Kimatov*, H.K. Kamardinov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
*Institute of Chemistry named after VI Nikitin AN RT
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Optimization of diagnosis of herpes zoster by infrared spectroscopy
M.T. Mirzoeva, M.S. Isayeva, T.Sh. Shukurov
Chair of Dermatology and Venereology of Avicenna TSMU
Y.R. Agapova, A.V. Gulin, M.S. Saidov
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
E.A. Shuasheva, K.S. Kazbekova, J.M. Seidalina
South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
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Peculiarities of rosacea manifestation with concomitant chronic opisthorchosis
M.L. Aripova, S.A. Khardikova, A.P. Zima
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Siberian State Medical University», Tomsk town, Russian Federation
State of cellular and humoral immunity of newborns in intrauterine infection
K.I. Ismailov, M.A. Yusupova, A.H. Hafizov*, Z.A. Muhitdinova
Chair of Children’s Diseases N 2 of Avicenna TSMU
*National Medical Center of the Republic of Tajikistan
Neurological disorders in patients with various forms of chronic pyelonephritis
M.S. Jumayev, Y.A. Shokirov, R.A. Rakhmonov*
Chair of Internal Medicine N1
*Neurology with the basics of genetics of Avicenna TSMU
Evaluation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
S.Z. Mirzoev, U.R. Rasulov, M.N. Rahmatulloeva, G.S. Pardayeva
Chair of Internal Medicine №3 Avicenna TSMU
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Clinical microbiological assessment of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age
M.B. Mirzoeva, M.A. Khaknazarova, M.D. Kadamalieva
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N 2 Avicenna TSMU
Assessment of quality nurses consultation of elderly patients with arterial hypertension
D.T. Safohonov
Chair of Family Medicine N1 of Avicenna TSMU
Kh.K. Rafiev, R.M. Nurov *, R.A. Tursunov
Chair of Epidemiology of Avicenna TSMU
*General Administration for Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan
Diabetic nephropathy and state of the adrenal cortex
A.A. Serikbayeva
Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan
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Role of immunotherapy in complex treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children
K.I. Ismailov, N.N. Khojaeva
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
Problems of surgical treatment keloid cicatrices of skin
K.P. Artikov, M.S. Saidov, K.M. Mukhamadieva
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of Surgical Diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
Incidence of scabies at children’s contingent in Tajikistan
T.T. Ustobaeva, P.T. Zoyirov, D.H. Abdieva
Chair of Dermatology and Venereology of TSMU by Avicenna
Mental disorders in oncological diseases
N.M. Sharapova, G.B. Hasanova, M.S. Sharopova, Z.H. Nisanbaeva
Chair of Psychiatry and Narcology named after prof. M.G.Gulyamov Avicenna TSMU
A risk factor for congenital heart disease in children in Tajikistan
N.K. Kuzibaeva
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Sh.K. Nazarov, R. Muhammadzoda, M.M. Mavjudov
Chair of surgical diseases № 1 of Avicenna TSMU
Mallory-Weiss syndrome requires further in-depth study of the pathogenesis of developing disease, although in recent years there are new directions in endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of ruptures of the mucosal and submucosal layers of gastric cardia, accompanied by acute blood loss. According to literature there are conflicting approaches to tactics of conservative therapy and surgical treatment of Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
Epidemiological features of spread acute myeloid leukemia in Kyrgyzstan
A.A. Usenova
Chair of Oncology, Radiologic diagnostic and therapy of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek
Immediate and remote results of obturation of root canals using the system«terma prep»
B.A. Bekmuradov, Sh.F. Juraeva
Chair of Therapeutic Dentistry Avicenna TSMU
D.I. Kholmatov, A.A. Mahamadiev
Chair of Otorhinolaryngology Avicenna TSMU
To the issue of immune disturbance in obstructive jaundice
Yu.S. Winnick, E.V. Dyabkin
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named of prof. V.F Voyno-Yasenetsky»
Chair of General Surgery, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Epidemiological evaluation of prosthetic periodontal lesions
M.M. Makhmudov, Kh.K. Rafiev, G.M. Usmanova, Sh.F. Djuraeva
Educational and Clinical Center «Stomatology»
Chair of Prosthodontics, epidemiology of Avicenna TSMU
Clinical and immunological features of hemorrhagic vasculitis in children
K.I. Ismailov, F.A. Muhammadnabieva
Chair of Pediatric Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
Laparoscopic methods of nephrectomy in renal space-occupying lesions
A.Yu. Odilov, Z.A. Kadyrov, I.N. Nusratulloev *, A.A. Bagdasarian
Chair of endoscopic urology training faculty of health workers of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship
* Republican Clinical Center «Urology», MOH RT
STI and HIV - indicators of epidemic growth of viral hepatitis B and C
R.A. Tursunov
Chair of Epidemiology of Avicenna TSMU
G.S. Subhanova
Chair of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with Children’s Dentistry of Avicenna TSMU
Antiphospholipid syndrome in patient with severe pneumonia
Y.R. Agapova, A.V. Gulin, E.V. Malysheva, M.S. Saidov
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk, Russia
Biochemical markers in the diagnosis of bone remodeling in osteoporosis
I.S. Zakharov, G.I. Kolpinskiy, G.A. Ushakov, G.V. Vavin
SBEI HPE (State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education)
Kemerov State Medical Academy, Russia
Modern materials and methods for obturation of teeth’s root canals
B.A. Bekmuradov, Sh.F. Juraeva
Chair of Dentistry of Avicenna TSMU
Comparative characteristic of risk factors of development of hemorrhoids
N.A. Nurilloeva, M.S. Tabarov, Z.M. Toshtemirova, K.A . Shemerovsky*, D.C. Muhabattov
Chair of Pathophysiology of Avicenna TSMU
FSBI Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia
Intestinal transdifferentiation of the gastric mucosa in precancerous lesions
S.V. Vernygorodski, M. V. Minkhovich
Vinnitsa National Medical University named after NI Pirogov, Ukraine
* FSBI «Research Institute of Human Morphology» RAMS;SBEI HPE «Russian National Research Medical University named after NIPirogov «Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia
Evaluation of interdetermination of dental and systemic diseases
S.K. Saburov, N.G. Turaev
Educational and Clinical Center «Dentistry»; Avicenna TSMU
Lively representative of the Avicenna school (Sheikh Raisa) – Bakhmanyar al-Azerbaijani
N.B. Soltanova
Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
N.S. Djuraeva
Chair of Public Health and Medical Statistics with a course of the history of medicine of Avicenna TSMU
B.A. Ishankulova, U.P. Yuldasheva, M.V. Urunova
Chair of Pharmacology Avicenna TSMU
Diagnostic aspects of halitometricresearch in dental patients
D.B. Jumaboev, S.M. Karimov
Chair of Therapeutic Stomatology Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training
A.B. Babaev, S.Kh. Fozilova
Chair of General Hygiene and Ecology of Avicenna TSMU
Modern antidepressants in clinical cardiology
N.H. Khamidov, N.M. Khursanov, N.D. Sharifova
Chair of Internal Medicine №2 Avicenna TSMU
Adaptation abilities of cardiorespiratory system in children with vegetative-vascular dystonia
T.K. Artykova, K.I. Ismailov
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
Specifics of course and treatment of acute renal failure in infants with pneumonia
K.I. Ismailov, M.A. Ismoilova, S.T. Davlatov
Chair of Children’s Diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
Gestation in women with a solitary functioning kidney
S.S. Rakhimova, M.F. Dodkhoeva
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
Effects of rubella - measles and pentavalent vaccination to health of sickly children
G.S. Mamadjanova, Z.K. Umarova, M.J. Edgorova
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
Impact of HIV infection on quality of life people living with HIV/AIDS
R.A. Tursunov
Chair of Epidemiology Avicenna TSMU
Concentration of interleukin-6 in serum of patients with liver cirrhosis
P.K. Kholmatov*, D.S. Dodkhoev, M.A. Hidirov*
Chair of surgical diseases N1
Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Avicenna TSMU
Terminal chronic renal failure: risk assessment, stages of therapy and cardiac problem
Sh.E. Sharipova, M.K. Gulov, S.S. Ismailov *, S.Kh. Tagoev, R.G. Sohibov
Avicenna TSMU
Scientific-Practical Center for Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Ministry of Health of Republic of Tajikistan
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: risk factors and pulmonary rehabilitation
Sh.A. Abdullaev, S.M. Shukurova, Sh.Sh. Pochodjanova*
Chair of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics
* Resource Center of evidence-based medicine of Avicenna TSMU
Fertility and lymphogranulomatosis
Z.B. Akhmedova, S.G. Umarova, M.J. Ashurova
SI «National Cancer Research Center» of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
First results of laparoscopic appendectomy in children in Republic of Tajikistan
Sh.R. Sultonov, Sh.D. Rakhmonov, M.F. Abdulloev, R.Sh. Akhmedov, H.Z. Sarifov
Chair of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Avicenna TSMU