
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-2-160-166
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: risk factors and pulmonary rehabilitation

Sh.A. Abdullaev, S.M. Shukurova, Sh.Sh. Pochodjanova*

Chair of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics
* Resource Center of evidence-based medicine of Avicenna TSMU

In the literature review is presented recent data of risk factors distribution, diagnostic criteria and medical rehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Analyzed the influences of each risk factor in the development of COPD. In particular, it highlights the role of passive smoking, the age at which smoking began, the total number of cigarette packs to year and current smoking status, which are an prognostic indicator for mortality from COPD.

Particular attention is paid to definition of COPD and its place in ICD - X, noted that while the understanding of the disease will not be completely clear definition of COPD will be wearing controversial nature. It is emphasized that in the current time evidence base for pulmonary rehabilitation with patients with COPD is increased. On the basis of systematic reviews and metaanalyzes in the article is showing the positive aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD as with stable course and exacerbation. It is shown that the basic principles of pulmonary rehabilitation should be an early start, integrated, rational combination of restoration activity, with continuity with pay attention on the clinical features of the disease.

Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary rehabilitation, galotherapy.

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