
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-3-55-59
Thyrotoxicosis syndrome in elderly age inpatients with iodine deficiency

Sh.S. Anvarova, N.F. Niyazova, N.A. Inoyatova

Chair of Endocrinology of Avicenna TSMU

The results of observation of 150 elderly patients with the thyrotoxicosis syndromeis presented in article. Found that in conditions of iodine deficiency, the most common diseases with syndrome of hyperthyroidism in elderly were diffuse toxic goiter (80%), toxic adenoma (11%), subacute thyroiditis (4%), iodine- induced hyperthyroidism (5%).Monosemeiotic clinical signs of hyperthyroidism in the old age are revealed, mainly affecting cardiovascular or nervous system, or syndrome of catabolic disorders - which justified the widespread use of hormonal and instrumental studies at diagnosis at this group of patients.

Keywords: thyrotoxicosis syndrome of thyrotoxicosis, iodine deficiency, elderly age.

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