
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-1-84-89
Indicators of plasma infrared spectrum in dynamics of treatment the patients with chronic rheumatic heart diseases

E.A. Shuasheva, K.S. Kazbekova, J.M. Seidalina

South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

In this paper are studied indicators of infrared (IR) spectroscopy in blood counts in patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease (CRHD) in dynamics of treatment with ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasound therapy

Ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasound treatment system provides intensive cleansing tonsils lacunae from pathological content, inactivation of pathogens, restoration of function.

IR spectroscopy of blood plasma quantitatively and qualitatively reflect biochemical processes and determine the criteria for the diagnosis and complications in CRHD.

Registration of IR spectra before and after treatment is an adequate method for monitoring the effectiveness of therapy in CRHD, it can be used in combination of preventive and rehabilitation measures.

Keywords: chronic rheumatic heart disease, ozone/NO-low-frequency ultrasound, infrared spectroscopy, absorption spectra.

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