
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-2-7-11
Surgical treatment of giant pigmentary nevuses of face

U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova, K.A. Ismoilov

Chair of surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

Congenital giant pigmentary nevus is turning into a melanoma in 1,8-13% of patients. This formation also raises serious aesthetic inconvenience to patients. Surgical removal of large nevus is the only radical method for treatment and it’s related to complex problems of surgery.

The experience of surgical treatment 5 patients with enormous facial nevus in age from 16 to 36 years is summarized. The men were 2, women - 3. Sizes of nevuses were equal to 85-180 cm2  and ranged from 35-40% of the face total area. In all cases the operations were performed under general anesthesia. The surgical intervention included excision of the nevus and cover the defect by fullthickness skin graft. In 2 cases, surgical treatment was performed in two stages and in three cases - in one stage. Short-term postoperative period in all patients were uneventful, the wound healed primarily, skin grafts are survived. All patients were being under observation in terms of 6 months and more and long-term results in all cases were good. For covering defects of integumentary tissue of face after resection of extensive facial nevuses, the full-thickness skin graft from the medial surface of shoulder was the best autograft.

Keywords: pigmentary nevus, giant hairy nevus, melanoma-dangerous nevus, free skin autografting.

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