
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-3-46-49
Influence of antihypertensive therapy on renal function in patients with isolated systolic hypertension

S.S. Aminjanova, N.H. Hamidov, N.M. Khursanov

Chair of Internal Medicine №2 of Avicenna TSMU

For study the effect of various classes of antihypertensive drugs on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of kidneys in 80 patients with older age (mean age 70,1±1,9 years) with isolated systolic hypertension, they were divided into 4 groups (20 people) and prescribed the following drugs: «Enalapril» «Hydrochlorothiazide» «Amlodipine» and «Carvedilol» respectively. At baseline and after 8 weeks of treatment the renal function was studied. During the treatment period a positive trend in blood pressure numbers isrevealed. Treatment with Amlodipine, Enalapril and Carvedilol had a positive effect on the dynamics of GFR.

Keywords: isolated systolic hypertension, glomerular filtration rate, antihypertensive therapy.

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