
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-2-134-138
Sanitary-hygienic characteristics of working condition of doctors of forensic medical examination in the Republic of Tajikistan

A.B. Babaev, S.Kh. Fozilova

Chair of General Hygiene and Ecology of Avicenna TSMU

In report is given the timekeeping day details of 21 staff - forensic doctors. Completed 47 timekeeping observations and 2000 measurements of microclimate in different department of forensic centers.

In the process of their activity, doctors of forensic medical examinations are undergone to influences of a variety of an uncomfortable micro-climatic conditions depending on the season, a significant neuroemotional stress, static and physical activity, and many labor processes are performed in forced labor pose.

Keywords: forensic medical examination, timekeeping of working day, microclimate, psychoemotional stress.

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