
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-2-79-84
Features of typhoid fever in military of Russian Federation dislocated in the Republic of Tajikistan

N.S. Odinaev, K.V. Zhdanov, G.M. Usmanova*

The Filial branch N 7 of the Federal state institutions «354 Military Hospital» of Russian Defense Ministry
* TSMU Avicenna, Tajikistan

The morbidity of typhoid fever among the Russian Defense Ministry military personnel dislocated in various regions of the country depended on the factors and routes of transmission.

Laboratory diagnosis of typhoid fever is set at 87.5% (bacteriological and serological), clinical - epidemiological in 12.3% of cases. The total number of military personnel with typhoid fever were- 837 (100%), also in 329 (39.3%) from their had mild, 441 (52.7%) - moderate and 67 (8%) - a severe courses of diseases.

Comparative analysis in the epidemic and postepidemic periods in military reveals the predominance of moderate and severe courses of disease during the epidemic of typhoid fever. This confirms that in the period of epidemic, due to its poly phage-typing of pathogens simultaneously increasing their virulence and toxicity.

During study of medium and severe courses of diseases confounding factors such as co-infection, concomitant diseases, delays in seeking medical attention, late hospitalization and malnutrition (underweight at admission) are identified.

Keywords: typhoid fever in military personnel.

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