Avicenna Bulletin2011 Volume13 №4 Download PDF
The use of costal autologous cartilage in reconstructive and plastic surgery
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Dzhanobilova, I.Z. Saidov, M.N. Sarfarozi
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Some features of diagnosis and treatment of patients with adrenal tumors
A.D. Gaibov, S.S. Anvarova, A.N. Kamolov, M.O. Kurbanova, E.L. Kalmykov
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Rehabilitation of patients after suturing of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers
S.A. Afendulov, G.U. Zhuravlev, K.M. Kadirov
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R. Rakhmatullayev, A.K. Norov, J.M. Kurbanov, B.B. Dzhononov, U.M. Khamroev
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The immediate results of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer
M.A. Kuzikeev
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D.M. Ashurov, A.Kh. Faizullaev
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Epidemiological aspects of cervical cancer in Tajikistan
F.N. Karimova, S.G. Umarova, M.S. Raupova
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Experience of surgical treatment of large angle strabismus
H.D. Karim-Zade, H.S. Mirzoyev, A.M. Mazabshoev, M.Y. Nihmonov
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Microbiological features of chronic bacterial prostatitis of in diabetes
I.A. Tyuzikov, S.Yu. Kalinchenko
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Modern aspects of diagnostic of polycystic ovarian syndrome with infertility
T.A. Nazarenko, D.А. Khodjamurodova, Sh.S. Anvarova
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Conducting pregnant women with endemic craw
M.F.Dodkhoeva, M.A.Yatimova
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Prevention and treatment of skin scar in view of immune indices
K.M. Mukhamadieva, O.B. Nemchaninova
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Comparative characteristics of modern methods of abortion in late terms
T.Sh. Saidova
A prospective observation of 100 women who underwent abortion in the 2nd trimester (15-21 weeks) and 50 women without a history of miscarriages (control group) conducted . The study demonstrated that significantly more major complications seen in instrumental evacuation of the uterus - in 39% of cases, while medical abortion - about 20%. Using modern methods of abortion (medical method) can be attributed to the «safe abortion».
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Cardiovascular risk factors in gout
N.H. Khamidov, S.M. Shukurova, H.K. Toirov, J.H. Dzhonnazarova
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Clinical and epidemiological features kaposi's sarcoma in HIV-infected patients with AIDS
E.R. Rakhmanov, R.A. Tursunov, N.M. Gulyamova, Sh.K. Matinov, T.M. Sharipov
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Features of chronic hepatitis c currency in HIV-infected patients
A.A. Mahmanurov, R.A. Tursunov, M.M. Abdikerimov, A.A. Suvanbekov, G.J. Sattarova
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Preventing antilegal and suicidal actions in patients with the syndrome of alcohol dependence
N.M. Sharopova, G.B. Khasanova, I.F. Holboev
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Treatment of psoriasis by preparation «Cartan»
R.D. Dadabaev, P.T. Zoirov, M.G. Muhidinova
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Influence of solar activity on dynamics of acute myocardial infarction and its complications
H.E. Rakhmonov, F.I. Odinayev, S.R. Emomov
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Aspects of the immune status in children with pneumonia with perinatal cns injury
D.S. Dodkhoev, N. Abdullaeva, Z.M. Abdulaeva
Main clinical nosologic forms of hospital infections in dental patients
G.M. Usmanova
Possibilities of ultrasound in reno-cardio-cerebral continuum with arterial hypertension in children
K.E. Trubnikova, T.N. Nazarov, S.A. Madzhidov
To the qiestion on hemorrhagic external otitis
M.O. Kustov, S.A. Artyushkin, P.V. Nacharov, P.U. Umarov
Condition and vision of work’s integration of emergency doctors and family doctors in Tajikistan
B.G. Muminov, Z.A. Mirzoyeva
Surgical correction of congenital defects and developmental anomalies of auricle
I.Z. Saidov
Modern view to prognosis of cardiac complications in patients with ischemic heart disease
F.I. Odinayev, N.M. Navdzhuanov, V.I. Ioshina, Sh.F. Odinayev
Actual issues of effect of video display terminals on the vision
A.B. Babaev, Sh.K. Makhmadov
Pregnancy and delivery in women with ventricular septal defect
N.S. Talbova
On the study of combined endoparodontal lesions of the abutment teeth in prosthetics
Sh.F. Dzhuraeva, H.S. Sharipov