Avicenna Bulletin2012 Volume14 №1 Download PDF
U.A. Kurbanov, I.Z. Saidov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova
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Vascular drainage operations in varicocele
K.P. Artykov, M.A. Yuldashev, H.S. Odinayev, F.B. Khomidov
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Reconstruction of post traumatic nerve defects of brachial plexus
G.М. Khodjamuradov, М.F. Odinaev, М.M. Ismoilov
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Acute intestinal obstruction in patients with chronic mental illness
K.G. Kubachev, S. V. Artyukhov, M.K. Gulov, N.D. Muhiddinov, Sh.A. Shihmagomedov, M.S. Gadjiyev
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Noninvasive diagnosis of mechanical jaundice
Sh.K. Nazarov, D.R. Abdurahmonov, M.T. Zaripov
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Prevention of early postoperative complications in surgery of diffuse toxic goiter
M.K. Gulov, Z.M. Nurov
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Prevention of purulent- inflammatory complications after resection of rectum
S.F. Gulshanova, A.R. Dostiev, S.S. Ismoilov
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Influence of climatic conditions on the formation of pathological scar of skin
K.M. Mukhamadieva, O.B. Nemchaninova, K.P. Artykov, M.S. Saidov
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Evaluation the adequacy of anesthesia in patients with complicated echinococcosis of liver
D.D. Khamidov
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Chemoradiotherapy in palliative care of patients with breast cancer
D.S. Mirzoyeva, S.G. Umarova, D.Z. Zikiryahodjaev, R.Z. Yuldoshev, N.N. Abidjanova
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Humoral factors of immunity and phagocytic mechanisms in patients with cervical cancer
A.K. Makishev, D.K. Kenbaeva, Z.A. Manambaeva, F.N. Karimova
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Clinical - immunological disorders in urogenital chlamydiosis in men
U.A. Tadjibaev
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Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in gestational diabetes
S.I. Nazarova
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Frequency of arterial hypertension complications in the elderly patients
Sh.F. Odinayev, H.A. Rafiyev, S.H. Asadullayev
N.H. Olimov, A.D. Nuraddinov, I.I. Musoev, S.H. Asimov
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Clinical characteristics of heart rhythm disturbances in patients with chronic renal failure
R.I. Soibov, Yu.A. Shokirov, Sh.Sh.Pochodjanova
N.M. Navdjuanov, F.I. Odinayev, V.I. Ioshina, G.S. Navdjuanova
Sh.Sh. Pochodjanova, Z.D. Khamroeva, Yu.A. Shokirov, D.R. Khamraev
Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in children from infection focal point
U.Yu. Sirodjidinova, L.M. Pulatova, O.I. Bobokhodjaev, K. Pirov, D.M. Radjabov
Clinical features of nodular scabies in children
P.T. Zoirov, D.H. Abdieva, T.T. Ustobaeva
Medical social principles of health of newborn
K.S. Olimova, A.M. Mirakilova, N.Sh. Abdullaeva
State of regulatory system of students with different levels of motor activity
E.Yu. Salikhova, F.A. Mindubaeva, F.A. Shukurov
Features of currency the early neonatal period in overweight newborns
H.D. Aminov, P.G. Zarifova
Structural changes in thyroid in diffuse goiter
S. Kurbonov, F.A. Abdurahmonov, Z.D. Ziyoyeva
Inflammation of hypophysis in condition of immunodeficiencies in different types of death
D.V. Gornostaev, R.A. Tursunov
The functional activity of intact dog’s kidney during high-mountain readapta-tion
R.S. Mirakov, S.G. Mukhamedova, H.M. Mirakov
Medication treatment of arterial hypertension in elderly patients
N.H. Khamidov, S.S. Amindjanova, K.H. Mahadova
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of peritoneal adhesive disease
P.K. Kholmatov, Sh.K. Nazarov, B.N. Jonov, F. Komilov
Cross-linked ultra-high molecular polyethylene - a promising material in joint replacement
A.V. Balberkin, H.S. Dustov, A.F. Kolondaev
Perinatal lesions of central nervous system in newborns
M.N. Hotamova, H.D. Aminov