Avicenna Bulletin2011 Volume131 Download PDF


Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-1-19-23

Experimental basis of the change in the neck wound channel in turning head

A.A. Shabonov, E.M. Trunin, Z.S. Gulomov

experimental study of the changes of the wound channel in the neck

Download article: 1679

Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-1-81-83

Syndrome of sinus nodes weak in children

Z.A. Tajibayeva, N.K. Kuzibaeva, M.M. Narzullaeva, N.M. Kurbanov

Download article: 617

Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-1-109-113

Current state of myocarditis problem

N.H. Olimov, M.M. Shodzhonov, H.R. Vohidov, A. Nuraddinov, E.Ch. Yuldoshev

Download article: 654

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