
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-1-60-65
Features of the immune changes at malaria in children

N.M. Khodjayeva, L.A. Babaeva

The article presents the results of the study of cellular and humoral immunity in malarial infection in children, which are held in the course of the disease and, depending on the severity of the pathological process. Found that the most significant changes of cell-humoral defense factors develop during tropic malaria, in view of the most expressed antigenic modifications of the pathogen and induced cytotoxic responses.

In the period of the manifestation of clinical symptoms of malaria, tropical depression of T-lymphocytes and CD4 +, thereby reducing the immune regulator’ index, as well as inhibition of synthesis of specific antibodies at high values of circulate immune complexes (CIC). Immune changes during three-day malaria reflect the adequacy of the immune response, which to some extent contributed to adequate mechanisms for the formation of the CIC with the formation of large complexes, easily eliminated macrophage system.

Keywords: malaria, cellular and humoral immunity .

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