Avicenna Bulletin2011 Volume13 №2 Download PDF
The first results of the hair transplant in Tajikistan
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Dzhanobilova, D.D.Dzhononov, H.S.Dodariyon
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A.H. Khomidov, A.A. Razzakov, M.K. Gulov
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Comparative evaluation of surgical treatment of liver echinococcosis
F.I. Makhmadov, K.M. Kurbonov, A.D. Gulakhmadov
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O.T. Kochorov, N.E. Akmatov, R.A. Tursunov
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Role of immune status in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder in children
B.M. Zaymudinov, A.A. Azizov, B.A. Azizov, G.T. Bakiyeva, Z.M. Abdullaeva
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Aesthetic and functional aspects of rhinoseptoplasty in various pathologies of nose
M.K. Ikromov, D.I. Kholmatov, M.I. Mahmudnazarov
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Optimization of treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in adults
D.A. Akhmedov, M.T. Isoev, A.P. Nurov, Sh.K. Kuvatov
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M.F. Dodhoeva, A.M. Saburova, H.K. Boboeva, L.I. Olimova
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Frequency of mitral valve prolapse in pregnant women with weight deficit
L.I. Olimova, M.F. Dodkhoeva
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Peculiarities of fetoplacenta in pregnant with viral hepatitis
Sh.M. Kurbanov, D.M. Rahmatulloeva, O.E. Yuldasheva, N.H. Bagdasarova
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About emergency assistance problems on obstetric hemorrhage
G.T. Rasulova
H.B. Yodalieva, A.M. Saburova, H.B. Rakhimov, A.M. Kurbanova
Clinical assessment of the orthopaedic status of persons using non-removable dental prosthesis
M.M. Makhmudov
Z.Kh. Mahramov, V.V. Kiryanova, A.I. Shugaev
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Sono-hemodynamic correlations of chronic pyelonephritis with renal-parenchymal hypertension
M.Sh. Khaknazarov, H.Yo. Sharipova, H.H. Kiemidinov, A.A. Khaknazarova
Clinical - epidemiological features and diagnosis of chronic visceral leishmaniasis
E.R. Rakhmanov, A.A. Boimurodov, K.A. Khursanov, S.A. Muawiyah, N.M. Gulyamova
Clinical and ethnocultural features of the drug addiction in Tajikistan
M.N. Malakhov, R.A. Tursunov
Clinical features of intestinal multiple helminthiasis in children
M.S. Talabov
Periarteritis nodoza in children
B.M. Khaidarov, Z.A. Mukhitdinova, N.M. Kurbanov, F.A. Muhammadnabieva, T.K. Artykova
Clinical and immunological features of pollinosis in children in a hot climate
M.A. Akabirova, M.N. Juraev, K.I. Ismailov, A.G. Makhmadaliev, O.A. Uzakova
Prevalence of HIV co-infection and parenteral transmitted viral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic
A.A. Mahmanurov, R.A. Tursunov, R.K. Usmanov, S.M. Mamatov, R.S. Akmatova
Order of expert evaluation of unfavorable treatment outcomes
Y.I. Pigolkin, H.M. Mirzoyev, I.A. Dubrovina, Z.K. Hushkadamov
Condition of safety injections practices in healthcare organizations in Bishkek
M.B. Yrysova, R.K. Usmanov, A.A. Mahmanurov, S.M. Mamatov
Microanatomy and cell structure of glands appendix in humans
E.H. Tagaykulov
Charaсteristics of phenol compounds of arctium seeds oil
G.M.Mulloeva, D.E.Ibragimov, Sh.Kh.Khalikov, A.Kh.Zumratov
Acute cholecystitis and concomitant metabolic syndrome in surgery
N.U. Usmanov, F.Sh. Rashidov, F.B. Bokiev
Isolated systolic arterial hypertension: some aspects of the pathogenesis and risk factors
A.A. Umarov, N.H. Khamidov, S.A. Umarova
Treatment of the neck’ magistral vessels injuries
A.A. Shabonov, E.M. Trunin