
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-2-12-16
Prevention of postoperative recurrences of chronic hematogenous and traumatic osteomyelitis using benzoic ointments and lymphotropic antibiotic iimmune therapy

A.H. Khomidov, A.A. Razzakov, M.K. Gulov

The work is based on a complex analysis of data of 84 patients with chronic hematogenous and traumatic osteomyelitis. In the control group (51.2%) held a local treatment by common accepted drugs and traditional methods of antibiotic therapy. In the study group (47,8%) to prepare the soft tissues for surgery in the first phase of wound healing benzoic hydrophilic ointment base was used. Also in this group lymphotropic introduction of antibiotics and immune response-modullating agents used during the postoperative period.

In studying the immediate results the total rate of purulent wounds and fistulae in the study group was 19.5%, in the control - 30,2%. In a detailed analysis of results after treatment found that the use of reconstructive operations in conjunction with the proposed system of pre-and postoperative multimodality treatment relapse rate of 4,4 times less than in the control group (respectively 7,1% and 1,6% ), while in the performance of conventional sequestration necrectomy this index in the two groups did not differ significantly (respectively 42,9% and 47,6%).

Keywords: chronic hematogenous and traumatic osteomyelitis, benzoic ointment, lymphotropic antibiotic immune therapy.

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