

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-4-43-47
The risk of developing, multifocal metachronous cancer depending on conductedtreatment of primarytumor

O.N. Shanazarov1, A.V. Vazhenin2, E.L. Shunko3

1AO «Medical University of Astana,» Kazakhstan
2SBEI HPE «South Ural State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia
3SBEI HPE»Tyumen State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia

The article presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics and risk of metachronous multiple primary tumors that developed after chemotherapy, radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapyof the primary tumor.

Patients treated with radiation therapy are characterized by longer time intervals from appearance andbeginning of therapy the primary tumor to appearance of a secondary tumor. A similar trend has continued at the appropriate comparison of subgroups (with multicentricmetachronous multiple tumors in one organ, systemic tumors and tumors of paired organs, non-systemic multiple tumors of various organs) of patients studied groups (1, 2 and 3).

Reduction of the above time intervals in groups of patients following chemotherapy and chemoradiation treatment of the primary tumor are explained by more expressed systemic effects of chemotherapeutic agents in patients after chemotherapy, and more pronounced total carcinogenic effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy - in patients after chemoradiotherapy.

Keywords: multiple primary malignant tumor, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy.

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