
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-57-60
Successful surgical treatment of patients with «giant» hormonally inactive left adrenal gland adenomas

A.R. Kodirov, N.S. Saidov

Department of Endocrine Surgery Dushanbe City Medical Center

The article presents a case of successful surgical treatment of a patient with a «giant» hormonally inactive adrenal adenomas from left. In the absence of clinical manifestations observed late diagnosis of adenoma, whereby it acquired enormous size. In the left retroperitoneal space the large hyperechogenicformation with clear and smooth contours and thin capsule, the size of 109×81 mm was visualized.

Recent methods of investigation, including hormonaltestsand adrenal CT allowed to diagnosed this disease. The only treatment for adrenal adenomas is a radical surgical removal.

Patient was undergo to adrenalectomy and after 13 days in satisfactory condition was discharged. During dispensary at follow-up the recurrence of adenomas was no observed.

Keywords: «giant» left adrenal adenoma, adrenalectomy.

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