
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-20-27
Improvement of surgical care in benign tumors and tumor-like diseases of bones

A.A. Razzokov, N.F. Salimov, J.B. Ansori

Chair of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Field surgery Avicenna TSMU

The features of the organization and results of hospital treatment 541 patients with benign processes in the bones were analyzed. Analysis of the data based on the goals and objectives of the study were done in two stages. In the first phase of study (2006-2009) in treatment traditional approaches used, at second phase (2009-2013) – the proposed byauthors regulatory measures used to improve the functioning and funding of trauma and orthopedic services in the country, as well as widely introduce modern technologies clinical practice. The proportion of patients operated using modern technologies at the first phase of study was 35,6%, at the second phase (2009-2013) - 68.5%.In analyzing the results of treatment with an Improved objectified scoring system SDI-1 the arithmetic mean score (in a norm – 100 points) in group IA (optimized tactics and traditional financing) amounted to 88,1±0,2 points, in group IB (traditional tactics and traditional financing) – 81,3±0,4, in group IIA (optimized strategy and co-payments) – 95,2±0,3 in group IIB (traditional tactics and co-payments) – 83,2 ± 0,5 points. The proportion of unsatisfactory results (total share of less than 75 points) in group IA was 5,6%,in group IB – 21,7%, in group IIA – 3,9% and in group IIB – 19,4%.

Keywords: benign tumor, tumor-like bone diseases, autoplasty, alloplasty, xenoplasty.

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