
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-61-65
Currency features of basic forms of neuroleukemia in patients with acute leukemias in Tajikistan

N.I. Mustafakulova, M.P. Ganieva, T.I. Melikova, K.Z. Urokov

Chair of Internal Medicine №3 Avicenna TSMU

In the present study were analyzed 302 case histories of patients with acute leukemia (AL) aged 18 to 67 years. In patients with acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL; n=102; 33,7%) compared with patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML; n=200; 66,3%), the nervous system lesions is occuredtwo times more frequently (55,0% and 29,5%).Most frequently is observed the meningeal neuroleukemia (NL), which has more severe currency. In patients with AML in hot season the rate of NL by 1.5 times and ALL by 2times was more frequent in comparison with the cold season. Perhaps this is due to high intensity of solar radiation, and rapid worsening of disease recurrence.

Clinical-liquorologic data in patients with AL were different depending on the NL form. NL meningeal form noted with signs of intracranial hypertension; encephalitic form is characterized by disorders of consciousness, convulsive disorders and dysfunction of the cranial nerves; diencephalicform – by vegetative-vascular, neuromuscular disorders and thermoregulation impaired; polyradiculitisform – by dysfunction of various cranial and peripheral nerves.

Keywords: neuroleukemia, myeloid leukemia, lymphoid leukemia , cytosis, polyradiculitis.

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