
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-1-115-119
Role of somatic status in the development of inflammatory and destructive periodontal disease

B.M. Karimov

Chair of Therapeutic Stomatology Avicenna TSMU

Epidemiological survey of dental status in 947 patients with somatic pathology (disease of the endocrine system – 38,9%, digestive – 31,2% and the cardiovascular system – 29,9%) indicate a high prevalence (100%) and maximum growth of periodontal disease (0,43±0,12), that requires the development of differentiated forms of dental care. Direct correlation between the severity, duration of somatic pathology, patient age and periodontal manifestations in the oral cavityis observed. With the severity of patient’s condition somatic inflammatory-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues  increased 11 times compared with mild general disturbance in the organism.

Keywords: somatic pathology, periodontal disease.

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