
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-1-48-53
Comprehensive evaluation of clinical, neurotic, endoscopic manifestations of gastric and duodenal ulcer

Khayriddin Hoji Ramazon*, Y.A. Shokirov, S.S. Jalilov, M. Jumayev

Chair of internal diseases № 1 Avicenna TSMU
*Regional Hospital of Medical University, Mazori Sharif, Afghanistan

The article analyzes the clinical, neurological and endoscopic manifestations of gastric and duodenal ulcers in 60 patients of indigenous inhabitants of the region Mazori Sharif of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

It is shown that in this region, peptic ulcers of gastric and duodenum occurs with pronounced clinical symptoms with high intensity and rhythm of pain. In majority of patients pain combined with dyspeptic disorders: nausea, belching, heartburn, less constipation, diarrhea, melena and vomiting. Somatic symptoms are often accompanied by neurotic disorders: irritability (58,3%), headache (56,7%), sleep disorders (45,0%), depression (33,3%) and asthenic (31,7%) state.

The localization of peptic ulcer by findings of FEGDS morefrequently was in 12 duodenum (63,3%), more rare – gastric ulcer (36,7%). Prognostically unfavorable and severe ulcerative lesions detected in 36.4% of patients with gastric ulcer and less often (15,8%) forlocalization of ulcers in the duodenum.

Peptic and duodenal ulcer, mainly (91,8%) proceed against a background of chronic gastritis (48,3%) and chronic gastroduodenitis (43,5%).

The results of a comprehensive study of the frequency and nature of clinical, endoscopic data will help to assess the severity of the disease, prognosis and to propose a strategy of treatment and prevention.

Keywords: peptic gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer disease of duodenum, pain, neurotic disorders.

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