
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-2-114-118
Simultaneous operations in combined surgical abdominal diseases

K.P. Artikov, R.R. Rakhmatullaev, A.R. Rakhmatullaev

Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU

The review article is devoted to the analysis of available literature on the possibility and feasibility of laparoscopic simultaneous operations in combined surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. Thus, according to the WHO, concomitant surgical pathology seen in 20-30% of surgical patients, of which only 6-8% of cases performed simultaneous operations.

According to the literature, with the advent of laparoscopic techniques simultaneous operations again become relevant. However, this requires serious attention to geometry developing of surgical approach in laparoscopic surgery, depending on the pathologies’ localization. It remains unspent issue prioritization of surgery and intraoperative general questions of tactics, taking into account the specifics of laparoscopic benefits and there is no single comprehensive classification and clearly elaborated algorithm surgical treatment of combined surgical pathology.

Keywords: simultaneous operations, laparoscopy , combined surgical diseases.

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