
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-2-101-104
Disorders of mineral bone density and vitamin D levels in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 in Tajikistan

Sh.S. Anvarova, Z.A. Adamkhanova

Chair of Endocrinology Avicenna TSMU

During the survey of 70 patients with type 1 diabetes the changes in bone mineral density (BMD) of varying severity were diagnosed in 53,5% of cases. Characteristic changes in BMD observed mainly in the lumbar spine (53,3%) and proximal femur (33,4%), at least – in the forearm (13,3%). The relationship of bone changes arising from the prolonged decompensation of diabetes and the presence of vascular lesions was established.

In addition, there was a significant decrease in the level of vitamin D in the blood in patients with type 1 diabetes in Tajikistan, most revealed in patients with bone lesions (p<0,05).

Keywords: type 1 diabetes, bone mineral density, osteopenic syndrome, vitamin D.

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