
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-2-105-108
Dependence morphology of tracks from volume drops of blood

Yu.I. Pigolkin, E.N. Leonova

SBEI HPE «First Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov», Moscow, Russian Federation

Traces of blood in placeof recover corpse – is important material evidence. Their study allows to reconstruct the events of incident and solve a number of expert questions. The authors report the results of own experimental studies of morphology the traces blood with volume drops 20, 40 and 80 mkl on dry wetted smooth non-absorbent surfaces. Beside of general laws, the peculiari-ties of the droplets morphology are revealed depending on volume and height of the fall. Larger volume drops had greater kinetic energy, they spread out on the substrate with bigger extent forming larger diameter and area of traces varies considerably earlier character their edges traces appear tineprotrusions. These peculiarities reflect the mechanism of formation of traces of blood drops small, medium and large volume.

Keywords: traces of blood, adding drop of Plateau.

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