
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-2-127-134
Clinical endoscopic features and treatment of gastroduodenal pathology in patients with chronic kidney disease

S.S. Jalilov

Chair of Internal Diseases N 1 Avicenna TSMU

Analysis of the literature showed a sufficiently high frequency and diverse pathology nature of gastroduodenalareain patients with chronic kidney disease, especially in the stage of violations nitrogen excretory function with symptoms of suburemia and uremia.

Summing up the consideration of clinical and endoscopic features of gastroduodenal lesions in patients with chronic kidney disease, we can say that most authors recognized its oligosymptomatic more hidden course, with absence of distinct symptoms of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, erosions and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. There are also conflicting information on the incidence of gastroduodenal pathology, including H.pylori, associated forms of diseases. In matters of treatment of the above pathologies, most authors prefer the triple therapy.

Further study of the gastroduodenal pathology in patients with chronic kidney disease will provide the opportunity to more thoroughly consider the conflicting information literature, to improve our understanding of the processes occurring in the upper digestive tract.

Keywords: gastroduodenal pathology, chronic kidney disease.

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