
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-1-122-127
Efficiency of antioxidant therapy in complex treatment with bacterial therapy of young children

K.I. Ismailov, S.N. Kudratova

Chair of Pediatric Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU

This research shows the development of the changes of some homeostasis indicators in 105 patients with pneumonia at young children in the form of hypoxemia (PO2 68,5±0,14); hypercapnia PCO2 (50,3±0,12); hyperosmolarity, high concentration of malondialdehyde (0,638±0,016); superoxide dismutase reducing(3,8±0,002) in serum, indicating lipid peroxidation (LPO) increasing and antioxidant (AOD) reducing in the body.

Earlier antioxidant therapy in the complex traditional etiological and pathogenetic treatment allow to achieve normalization of clinical signs and optimizing paraclinical parameters MDA (0,412±0,013); SOD (7,7±0,003); serum in young children with bacterial pneumonia.

Keywords: pneumonia, respiratory failure, antioxidant therapy, cytochrome C.

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