

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-3-61-66
The use of nonstandard surgical technique in giant abdominal aortic aneurysm

A.D. Gaibov1,2, U.M. Avgonov2, A.K. Baratov2, Z.S. Ahmadjonov1, Z.R. Sharipov2

1Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
2SI «Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery»

In the article noted that the abdominal aortic aneurysm occurs mainly in elderly patients with severe comorbidities. In this regard, various complications after traditional aneurysm resection occur in 30% of patients, lethality in some cases up to 43,7%. In the development of the operational and post-operative complications, according to the authors, it is essential to the duration of aortic cross-clamping, accompanied by severe hemodynamic changes in the coronary, cerebral and renal vessels. These changes are the key moments in the development of fatal outcomes.

In order to reduce the duration of aortic cross-clamping, the authors proposed a non-standard surgical technique of abdominal aortic prosthesis in which the blood flow in the aorta is stopped for 10-12 minutes less than in conventional operations.

The patient operated on by this method was successfully discharged without serious postoperative complications with healing.

Keywords: aneurysm, abdominal aortic reconstruction, complications.

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