
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-2-84-87
Frequency and structure of gynecological diseases women with cesarean history

M.U. Yuldosheva, M.F. Davlatova

Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 1 Avicenna TSMU

A retrospective analysis of 140 case histories of women who had undergone cesarean in history and comes with a variety of diseases in the Department of Gynecology of the City Maternity Hospital № 3 in Dushanbe for the period 2007-2012.

The study showed that in the main group prevail endometritis, which determined in every second woman with an uterine scar (56,4±4,2%). In the group of tumors and tumor-like diseases of the pelvic organs in women with an uterine scar, dominant place takes uterine myoma (25,7±3,6%). Studying features of menstruationin women undergoing cesarean section in history, it was found that the most common form of reproductive system disorders was hypermenstrual syndrome (50,0±4,2%).

Keywords: cesarean section, scar on the uterus.

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