Public Health

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2022-24-4-479-490

I.V. Vinogradova1,2, I.V. Petrov1,3, A.A. Almukhametov4,5, F.S. Petrova2

1Perinatal Center, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El, Russian Federation
2Department of Pediatrics, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation
3Department of Fundamental Medicine, Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El, Russian Federation
4Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
5Scientific and Clinical Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation

Objective: To analyse the effectiveness of the quality management system (QMS) based on the amount of income for improving the quality of care in medical institutions

Methods: Publications on patient safety and quality management system research were identified and analysed based on the library collection resources of the Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia and research databases. A total of 727 results were retrieved, of which the authors preselected 121 based on keywords used; after analysing significant publications, 46 sources were finally selected.

Results: The quality of medical care includes the internal audit of the quality and patient safety in hospital care. In turn, the internal audit of quality and patient safety can be limited to a "simplified model" of the quality management system. n adequately compiled, an up-to-date, applicable checklist is intended for use in the audit process. The quality of audits, the designing of effective audit procedures, and the correct completion of checklists depend on the skills and competencies of the auditor. Integrating lean manufacturing into an existing quality management system may increase the cost of "maintenance" of these systems. However, in the long term, the economic benefit will be more evident due to continuous quality improvement, cost reduction and growth of organisational maturity. The quality management system can be used as a method for assessing the effectiveness of the management process of a medical organisation at different levels: middle, auxiliary, and managerial. In this case, the quality management system becomes a superstructure over the management system based on hierarchical groups.

Conclusion: A quality management system is a complex organisational model of a medical organisation that allows you to identify and improve processes, identify inconsistencies and solve them by considering the "transparency" and "understanding" of processes.

Keywords: Quality management system, medical organisation, process management model, the safety of medical activities, lean manufacturing, checklist, audit.

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Authors' information:

Vinogradova Irina Valerievna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician, Perinatal Center; Professor of the Department of Pediatrics, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University
Scopus ID: 55560959500
SPIN: 2310-4456
Author ID: 842428

Petrov Ilya Vladimirovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine, Mari State University; Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department, Perinatal Center
Scopus ID: 57205327803
Researcher ID: AAH-9775-2019
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2097-5679
SPIN: 1405-9154
Author ID: 82503
1 E-mail:

Almukhametov Artur Amirovich
Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization, Kazan State Medical University; Deputy Chief Physician for Clinical and Expert Work, Scientific and Clinical Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Scopus ID: 57193998969
Researcher ID: AAE-1070-2020
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4507-4914
SPIN: 8458-6254
Author ID: 1119423

Petrova Firuza Salavatovna
Lecturer of the Department of Fundamental Medicine, Mari State University
Scopus ID: 57205334309
Researcher ID: AAS-1585-2020
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3721-5649
SPIN: 4288-4364
Author ID: 1074740

Information about support in the form of grants, equipment, medications

The authors did not receive financial support from manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Petrov Ilya Vladimirovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine, Mari State University; Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department, Perinatal Center

424000, Russian Federation, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin Square, 1

Tel.: +7 (987) 1875644


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