
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2020-22-3-383-389

V.G. Mamedova1,2

1Medical Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
2Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Objective: To study some parameters of peripheral blood depending on changes of echocardiographic indicators reflecting the presence of myocardial hypoxia in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), arterial hypertension (AH), and in their combination.

Methods: Examined 98 men at the age of 45 to 70 years, suffering from various clinical forms of CAD (n=41), stage I-III AH (n=35), and a combination of CAD and AH (n=22). The disease variants were spread as follows: acute myocardial infarction (n=4), atherosclerotic (n=9), post-infarction (n=5) cardiosclerosis, unstable (n=1), stable angina II-III functional classes (FC) (n=6), heart failure II-III FC (n=4), type 2 diabetes (n=4) patients. In all surveyed patients was taken the blood sampling from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach to obtain serum. The study program included cardiac echo with an assessment of standard parameters. The LV mass (LVM) was determined using the Penn Convention formula. The obtained volume indicators were indexed in relation to the surface area of the body, calculating the LV mass index (LVMI).

Results: In patients with CAD and with combined CAD and AH in comparison with patients with AH (without CAD) indicators of LVM and LVMI were comparatively lower (due to high blood pressure), though they more often revealed the cases of segmental LV hypokinesis and diastolic dysfunction of the LV. It could be partly due to the changes of morphofunctional properties of erythrocytes, the presence of a chronic inflammatory response, and the worsening of coagulation and rheological properties of peripheral blood.

Conclusion: In patients with CAD and a combination of CAD and AH, in comparison with patients with AH (in the absence of CAD), there is increased deformability of erythrocytes, availability of indicators attesting the reaction of chronic inflammation, and a large degree of pathological changes in the rheological properties of blood.

Keywords: Coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, blood cells, chronic sluggish inflammation, coagulation properties of blood, dyslipidemia.

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Authors' information:

Mamedova Vusala Gazanfarkizi
Cardiologist, Medical Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Applicant, Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0270-8996

Information about support in the form of grants, equipment, medications

The author did not receive financial support from manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Mamedova Vusala Gazanfarkizi
Cardiologist, Medical Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Applicant, Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev

1078, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, J. Mamedqulizade str., 201

Tel.: +994 (706) 862860


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