Views: 34373

1 First look by the editors
2 Plagiarism check (Russian version)
3 Technical correction
4 Peer review
5 Resubmission after correction
6 Second peer review
7 Editorial board approval
8 English translation
9 Plagiarism check (English version)
10 Typesetting
11 Article available online
12 Withdrawn by the authors
13 Rejected*
completed positively
current status
completed negatively
* Reasons for rejection:
* Out of the journal’s scope
* Low originality level
* Duplicate publication
* Reviewer’s comments not addressed
* Low score by reviewers
No. Date of submission Tracking of the manuscript status
001 11.04.2023
002 16.05.2023
003 19.05.2023
004 24.05.2023
005 10.07.2023
006 13.07.2023
007 31.07.2023
008 21.08.2023
009 25.08.2023
010 30.08.2023
011 21.09.2023
012 10.10.2023
013 16.10.2023
014 23.10.2023
015 24.10.2023
016 01.11.2023
017 01.11.2023
018 03.11.2023
019 07.11.2023
020 07.11.2023
021 07.11.2023
022 10.11.2023
023 12.11.2023
024 15.11.2023
025 23.11.2023
026 10.12.2023
Pages 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last All