
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2021-23-2-174-183

Kh.N. Egamnazarov1, I.I.Babaev2, S.P. Aliev2

1Department of Environmental Health, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
2Scientific Research Institute of Preventive Medicine, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Objective: Analysis of fluorine content in the household and drinking water in the Tursunzade settlements, depending on the wind directions and the season.

Methods: Based on the wind directions, two zones were selected, including 12 settlements. The first (experimental) zone consists of 5 administrativeterritorial units (jamoats), including 9 village with west, north and northeast wind directions. Jamoat D. Rakhmonov, which includes 3 villages, was assigned to the control zone with the east wind direction and the least pollution of the atmospheric air by fluorides from the aluminum plant. Fluoride content was analyzed in 48 samples of household and drinking water using the SPADNS colorimetric method. The Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, National Programs, and statistical materials were applied.

Conclusion: The highest amount of fluorine compounds in the water was found in the experimental zone (Navobod jamoat) with a west wind direction, which is directly related to the operation of the aluminum smelter.

Keywords: Fluorine, fluorides, concentration, water, aluminum production, wind direction.

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Authors' information:

Egamnazarov Khuseyn Nazarovich
Assistant of the Department of Environmental Health, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
Researcher ID: AAI-1029-2019
Scopus ID: 57204021572
ORСID ID: 0000-0002-5115-0370
SPIN: 1702-6087
E-mail: kh.egamnazarov@gmail.com

Aliev Samardin Partoevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Preventive Medicine
Researcher ID: AAZ-4819-2020
ORСID ID: 0000-0002-4904-1669
SPIN: 2718-2159
E-mail: аsamardin@mail.ru

Information about support in the form of grants, equipment, medications

The authors did not receive financial support from companies manufacturing medications and medical equipment

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Egamnazarov Khuseyn Nazarovich
Assistant of the Department of Environmental Health, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

734003, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaki Ave., 139

Tel.: +992 (918) 795321

E-mail: kh.egamnazarov@gmail.com

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