Avicenna Bulletin2013 Volume15 №4 Download PDF
New method of surgical treatment of amnioticband syndrome
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, J.D. Jononov
Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Microsurgery RSCCVS
Chair of Surgical Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
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V.V. Maslyakov, V.G. Barsukov
NSEIHPE (Non-state Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education) «Saratov Medical Institute» REAVIZ «(“Rehabilitation, Doctor and Health”)
Chair of Clinical Medicine, Saratov, Russia
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Dj.V. Kosayev, I.K. Budagov, I.L. Namazov
Scientific Center of Surgery namedafter acad. M.A.Topchubashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
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Screening of potentially living donor in kidney transplantation
S.S. Ismoilov*, S.F. Gulshanova
SI «National Research Center of transplantation of human organs and tissues» MOH RT
* Chair of General Surgery N 1 TSMU Avicenna
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Diagnostic value of neurosonography in traumatic intracranial hematoma of infants
Sh.A. Turdiboev, R.N. Berdiyev, S.A. Shoev, H.A. Giesov, Raufy Nihat
Chair of Neurosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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J.A. Abdulloev, B.A. Kholov, T.G. Chakalov, T.U. Zubaidov*
Chair of General Surgery N 2 Avicenna TSMU
* Republican Burn Center, Dushanbe
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Clinical and hematological features of acute leukemia in Tajikistan
G.B. Khojieva, M.K. Rakhmatov, J.M. Khasanov, K.Z. Urakov
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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Analysis of rheumatic diseases hospital morbidity in the Republic of Tajikistan
M.F. Abdullaev, M.F. Akhunova, Z.D. Hamroyeva, S.M. Shukurova
Chair of Internal Medicine propaedeutics Avicenna TSMU
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N.I. Mustafakulova, S.H. Nazirov, T.I. Melikova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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S.S. Jalilov, Yu.A. Shokirov, H.H. Kurbanov*
Chair of Internal Diseases № 1
* Endosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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Effectiveness of antiviral therapy for chronic viral hepatitis «C» in HIV-infected
N.M. Gulyamova, E.R. Rakhmanov, R.A. Tursunov, V.N. Tsoi, T.M. Sharipov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
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E.N. Mingazova, A.I. Ziatdinov
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia» Kazan, Russia
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Features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients with reduced hemoglobin levels
S.Z. Mirzoyev, Z.A. Kholmurodova, S.M. Tulaganova, N.A. Alimova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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Features of immune disorders in acute phase of traumatic brain injury
E.M. Mamytova
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named afterIK Akhunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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B.U. Salikhov, O.I. Bobohojaev, U.Yu. Sirojidinova, F.R. Sharipov
Chair of Phthisiopneumology Avicenna TSMU
National Center of Tuberculosis, Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery
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A new approach to treatment of acute dysentery by antibiotic-pectin complex
E.R. Rakhmanov, Z.K. Muhidinov, R.S. Kimatov*, H.K. Kamardinov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
*Institute of Chemistry named after VI Nikitin AN RT
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Peculiarities of rosacea manifestation with concomitant chronic opisthorchosis
M.L. Aripova, S.A. Khardikova, A.P. Zima
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Siberian State Medical University», Tomsk town, Russian Federation
Clinical microbiological assessment of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age
M.B. Mirzoeva, M.A. Khaknazarova, M.D. Kadamalieva
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N 2 Avicenna TSMU
Role of immunotherapy in complex treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children
K.I. Ismailov, N.N. Khojaeva
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
A risk factor for congenital heart disease in children in Tajikistan
N.K. Kuzibaeva
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
D.I. Kholmatov, A.A. Mahamadiev
Chair of Otorhinolaryngology Avicenna TSMU
Laparoscopic methods of nephrectomy in renal space-occupying lesions
A.Yu. Odilov, Z.A. Kadyrov, I.N. Nusratulloev *, A.A. Bagdasarian
Chair of endoscopic urology training faculty of health workers of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship
* Republican Clinical Center «Urology», MOH RT
Biochemical markers in the diagnosis of bone remodeling in osteoporosis
I.S. Zakharov, G.I. Kolpinskiy, G.A. Ushakov, G.V. Vavin
SBEI HPE (State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education)
Kemerov State Medical Academy, Russia
Evaluation of interdetermination of dental and systemic diseases
S.K. Saburov, N.G. Turaev
Educational and Clinical Center «Dentistry»; Avicenna TSMU
Diagnostic aspects of halitometricresearch in dental patients
D.B. Jumaboev, S.M. Karimov
Chair of Therapeutic Stomatology Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training
Adaptation abilities of cardiorespiratory system in children with vegetative-vascular dystonia
T.K. Artykova, K.I. Ismailov
Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU