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Last updated on December 17, 2024

Instructions for Authors

These Guidelines are based on the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals as defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (

Guidelines for publishing a manuscript:

  1. The manuscript of the article must be submitted in Russian or English and typed in MS Word text editor, Times New Roman font, font size 14, double-spaced. Field sizes: the top – 2.0 cm; bottom – 2.0 cm; left – 3.0 cm; right – 2 cm. All pages, including the title page, should be numbered consecutively.
  2. Original full-length articles should generally be at most 15-20 pages; review articles – no more than 30 pages; case reports, no more than 8 pages; con-ference proceedings – no more than 10 pages.
  3. Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title page, abstract (summary), family name(s) and initials of each author, title, introduction (relevance); the purpose of the study; body text; conclusion (conclusions), and a list of references. The body text of an original full-length article should include the highlighted sections: "Methods", "Results", and "Discussion".
  4. The title page should indicate the following: the full title of an article; family name(s) and initials of author(s); the official name and location (city, country) of an institution (s) in which the work was conducted; for the footer – a shortened version of the title of an article (no more than 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation); keywords (no more than 6); author information; information about the source of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs; declaration of absence of conflicts of interest; information on the number of pages, figures, and tables; provision of address for correspondence (an example for a title page requirements, see on the website of the journal). (an example for a title page requirements, see on the website of the journal).
  5. The title of an article should be concise, informative, and accurately define the content of the article. Keywords should be selected according to the list of Medical Subject Heading adopted by Index Medicus.
  6. Information about authors should c indicate the given name(s), family name(s) of the author(s), scientific degrees and titles, positions, and the provision of authors' affiliation name, department, as well as the following author identifiers: WOS Researcher ID, Scopus ID, ORCID ID (mandatory). The address for correspondence should indicate the postal code and address, place of work, contact phone numbers, and email address of the corresponding author. The address for correspondence is published together with the article.
  7. Abstracts of an original scientific article are structured into the following sections "Purpose", "Methods", "Results", and "Conclusion". Abstracts can be submitted in Russian and English languages (250-300 words), should clearly state the content of an article, and be suitable for publication sepa-rately from the article. Abstracts of short communications, reviews, and case studies are not structured; their volume should be at least 150 words. Ab-stracts, keywords, information about the authors, as well as references are sent by the editorship to the electronic information database for indexing.
  8. 8The Introduction provides a literature review of the problem under consideration, focuses on controversial and unresolved issues, and formulates and substantiates the purpose of the study. References must be given to publications of the last ten years. The source literature used in the article must be evidence of the author(s) knowledge of the strategy for a comprehensive search for scientific sources through global bibliographic databases, online platforms, and digital libraries
  9. A detailed explanation of the selected objects and experimental methods, as well as a characterization of the used equipment, should be provided in the "Methods". In clinical trials, where the diagnostic or therapeutic methods do not conform to standard procedures, the authors must include a statement that the Ethics Committee of the institution where the work was performed approves and ensures compliance of conducted research under the Declaration of Helsinki, 1975. Articles must not contain confidential information that might identify the patient's identity (a reference to the patient's name, medical history, etc.). The patient's name should be shaded on x-rays, angiograms, and other information carriers provided for the article; photographs must also not allow his identity to be established. Authors must inform patients of the possible publication of the data related to their disease and applied therapeutic and diagnostic methods and ensure confidentiality when placing these data in print and electronic media. In cases where it is impossible to hide the patient's identity (photographs of plastic surgery on the face, etc.), the authors are required to provide the patient's written informed consent about the publication of data and indicate this in the article (example see the consent form on the journal's website). To ensure the ethical treatment of laboratory animals used for research, authors must provide information on animal housing and management by international, national, or institutional guidelines. Additionally, a comprehensive description of applied statistical methods and analysis of the material should be included in the section.
  10. Studies’ "Results" section must accurately convey the content and findings. To enhance the clarity of the data, it is recommended to present the results using tables and figures.
  11. In the "Discussion" section, conducting a critical analysis of the obtained results is crucial, highlighting their scientific novelty and practical significance. Additionally, it should include a comparison with the published data of other authors. 
  12. Conclusions should be concise and clearly formulated. They should encompass the answers to the questions raised in the objectives and goals of the research and highlight the novelty and practical significance of the obtained results.
  13. Using terminology, symbols, and abbreviations consistent with globally recognized standards is recommended. To avoid repetitive phrases, abbreviations can be utilized with a clear definition provided in brackets at their first mention. In rare situations, abbreviations may be included in the title. Physical and chemical values should be expressed in units that align with the International System (SI). The use of generic drug names is preferred, and brand names should only be used to identify new compounds that may not yet be recognized by their generic name.
  14. The references list should be presented in accordance with the Vancouver style ( Titles of journals may carry abbreviations in accordance with the Index Medicus. Full names and initials of all authors must be listed. If the list of authors comprises more than six persons, it is allowed to use [et al.] after enlisting the first author's surname. Russian-language references (written in the Cyrillic alphabet) must be transliterated into English (a sample can be found on the journal's web-site). It is customary to use the BGN transliteration style ( or BSI in the journal ( The list of references should be numbered consecutively according to the first time mentioned within the article, but not in alphabetical order. Serial numbers of references should be written within square brackets (e.g., [1, 2], [1-4], or [3, 5-8]). In original articles, it is recommended to cite at least 15 and at most 30 sources; in literature reviews – at most 50. In articles, it is not permissible to include references to synopses, dissertations, proceedings, Teaching, and Learning guidelines. When referring to regulatory documents, it's essential to include them as footnotes rather than listing them as refer-ences. The author(s) must ensure they have cited references and primary sources accurately in their research papers. (an example of a reference list can be found on the journal's website).
  15. It is advisable to follow the spelling rules adopted by the journal, particular-ly the mandatory indication of the letter «ё» in Russian text where required.
  16. Tables should be numbered within the text, with a descriptive title and explanatory legends if necessary. Tables should be typed using MS Word 2007 program.
  17. The illustrative material (photographs, images, diagrams, charts) should be clear, of high contrast, and numbered in the order of citation in the text. The diagrams should be provided as an image and the electronic version using Microsoft Office Excel program. Descriptions of microphotographs should specify the method of staining and magnification scale bar. Electronic ver-sions of the images must be submitted as separate TIFF or JPEG files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi at the image size of at least 80×80 mm (ap-prox. 1000×1000 pixels).

Submitting a manuscript:

  1. To submit an article to the journal, please email the main text, graphics, and accompanying documents to You can find a paper submission sample on the journal's website.
  2. While submitting a manuscript to the editorial board of the journal, the cover letter from the authors must be included, providing specific information on the following  (visit the journal's website to see an example for a cover letter):
    • family name and initials of each author
    • manuscript title
    • a declaration that an article was not previously published and not submitted to another journal for review and publication
    • a statement of the absence of financial or other conflict of interest
    • the commitment of authors that if an article is accepted for publication, they provide the copyright to the publisher by the signed agreement
    • evidence that authors did not receive any remuneration in any form from the manufacturers, including competitors, that may have an impact on the results
    • author contribution statement in full accordance with the four criteria for co-authorship (
    • signatures of all authors
  3. When galley proof is ready for review, electronic versions and all articles in PDF format are available on the journal submission website.
  4. At most, two works of the same author may be published in the same jour-nal issue.
  5. Maximal number of authors in the article should be no more than 6.
  6. When students are listed as authors of an article, their participation and contribution must meet the accepted standards for authorship.
  7. The authors are responsible for the correctness of the presented data. The author's materials do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board.
  8. The editors will only consider manuscripts that follow the specified regulations, which the authors are made aware of beforehand. Communication with authors is conducted exclusively through email.