

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2018-20-2-3-254-260

K.M. Mukanbaev1, M.D. Abdiev2, D.K. Kozhomkulov2, T.Kh. Kudayberdiev1, M.D. Kozhomkulov2, E.V. Dudenko3

1Department of Extrapulmonary Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
2Department of Bones and Joints Tuberculosis Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
3Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology, National Center for Phthisiology, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Objective: To study the products and balance of cytokines (CK) to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB).

Methods: During the period 2012-2015, the spontaneous production of cytokines IL-6, IL-8, IL-4 and IL-10 in the blood serum has been investigated of 137 patients with different forms of TB in the dynamics of the chemotherapy process (before the onset of intensive chemotherapy and after 2 months of treatment). The level of CK is determined for comparison, in 31 patients with tuberculosis of the urogenital system (TB UGS) and in 28 patients with tuberculosis of bones and joints (TB BJ) was determined.

Results: Study of CK balance in patients with pulmonary TB with multiple drug resistance and drug sensitivity, as well as in extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis (TB BJ and TB UGS) in the background of anti-tuberculous chemotherapy, can serve as an immunological method of monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

Conclusion: CK and cytokine balance can be used as response markers of the immune system to anti-tuberculosis treatment and additional evaluation criteria for assessing the severity of the inflammatory process.

Keywords: Cytokines, cytokine balance, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, urogenital tuberculosis.

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Authors' information:

Mukanbaev Kasymbek Mukanbaevich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Extrapulmonary Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology

Abdiev Marat Dzhumadylovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science of the National Center for Phthisiology

Kozhomkulov Dzhumabay Kozhomkulovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Bones and Joints Tuberculosis Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology

Kudayberdiev Turatbek Khalmatovich,
Researcher, Department of Extrapulmonary Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology

Kozhomkulov Meder Dzhumabaevich,
Researcher, Department of Bones and Joints Tuberculosis Surgery, National Center for Phthisiology

Dudenko Elena Vyacheslavovna,
Researcher of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology, National Center for Phthisiology

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Abdiev Marat Dzhumadylovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science of the National Center for Phthisiology

720020, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Akhunbaev str., 90a

Tel.: (+996) 312 570925


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