
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-2-78-81
Relationship of the lethal outcome and disorder of extracardiac regulation among the patients with myocarditis

N.Kh. Olimov, M.M. Shodzhonov

The subject dedicated to analysis of new characteristic of spectral indication of R-R interval which correlated with sympathyc and parasympathic of vegetative nervous system and also with central level of extra regulation. 70 patients with myocarditis were involved in the investigation. It was shown that among the patients with sever myocarditis the irregulaton of CNS and variable of cardiac rhythm effected of lethal outcome.

Control of that indications is useful of found out the patients with high risk and for adequate treatment.

Keywords: myocarditis, extra cardiac regulation, lethal outcome, variable cardiac rhythm.

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