
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-2-130-134
Isolated systolic arterial hypertension: some aspects of the pathogenesis and risk factors

A.A. Umarov, N.H. Khamidov, S.A. Umarova

In the literature review presents current state of isolated systolic hypertension, its prevalence, clinical significance and aspects of its pathogenesis. Noted that along with the main pathogenic factors affective disorders and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system play a significant role. These disorders in such patients increases the risk of various complications and improve mortality. Discusses possible options for the relationship between affective disorders and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, as risk factors influencing on the development of hypertension.

Keywords: cardiovascular disease , hypertension, affective disorders, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

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