
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-2-101-104
Clinical and immunological features of pollinosis in children in a hot climate

M.A. Akabirova, M.N. Juraev, K.I. Ismailov, A.G. Makhmadaliev, O.A. Uzakova

The authors presented the clinical characteristics of pollinosis in children living in a hot climate in Tajikistan. At the same time emphasized the more frequent involvement in the process of allergic respiratory tract and anterior segment of the eye, with predominant clinical manifestations of allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and rhino-conjunctival syndrome. The study showed the change in concentration of immunoglobulin’s A, F, G and E in different clinical variants of pollinosis in children, indicating the sensitization with activation of humoral immunity.

Keywords: hay fever, seasonal rhinitis, bronchial asthma, rhino-conjunctivitis, immunoglobulin’s.

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